Comment history

Believer1 says...

I really cannot see income tax instead of VAT as it is a regressive form of taxation and will be difficult to collect. VAT has been very successful in The Bahamas, is broad based on both goods and services, and serves as taxation on consumption, which means the affluent will spend more and pay more tax, which takes care of the fallacy of “ making the rich pay their fair share”
I think what ought to be done is Customs Duty needs to be eliminated and if the objection is that Revenue will fall, then adjust VAT to compensate.

Believer1 says...

The GG is not a politician and represents the Head of State. Whether you like the Monarchy or nnot, we need a Head of State which should be a non political position. The alternative would be a republic and elected head of state. I would suggest staying with “the devil we know.”

Believer1 says...

We have a “Sovereign Wealth Fund?” That sounds nice 😊
Why not use the precedent already in place for those drilling for oil and gas
in The Bahamas. Isn’t that the same principle?

Believer1 says...

Why not offer driver’s licences for ten years ?

On Motorists complain about licence delays

Posted 2 November 2019, 11:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Believer1 says...

Isn't witholding evidence a crime?

On Munroe keeps secret ‘corrupt’ FNM MPs

Posted 2 August 2017, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

Believer1 says...

Can't you see it? They want to see your financials so they can see how much tax they can collect .
What else could it possibly be ?


Believer1 says...

If you point a gun at the Police, you can be expect to be shot; they are trained to shoot. It is terribly unfortunate that the social problems in this country have reached the point where young people are commiting violent crimes. The Police have to live with this every day to keep us safe, They deserve our gratitude, encouratement and prayers.

Believer1 says...

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On None

Posted 21 May 2017, 6:55 p.m.

Believer1 says...

Insufficient parking now, so imagine what additional congestion this will create in the parking lot.
I cannot believe SuperValue sees the need to support this evil. Customers of this poorly managed excuse for a supermarket will be tempted to gamble their grocery money. It will take away what little poor people have left.

On Super Value eyes web shop kiosk roll-out

Posted 18 May 2016, 11:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Believer1 says...

"Outdated beliefs?" It was unnatural five thousand years ago, as it is today. Nothing has changed, only some would try to insult and intimidate us to believe otherwise. It did not work five thousand years ago and it will not work today, no matter how much you rant and rave.

On ‘Stop same-sex scare tactics’

Posted 14 May 2016, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal