Comment history

Believer1 says...

"Otdated beliefs?" It was unnatural five thousand years ago, as it is today. Nothing has changed, only some would try to insult and intimidate us to believe otherwise. It did not work five thousand years ago and it will not work today, no matter how much you rant and rave.

On ‘Stop same-sex scare tactics’

Posted 14 May 2016, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Believer1 says...

So if we do not want same sex marriage forced upon us, it makes us a bigot? Is God a bigot?
Do not insult our intelligence and try to make it seem as though we are out of step with the rest of the "gates of hell.". Same sex marriage is unnatural and some of us want no part of bringing it here.

On ‘Stop same-sex scare tactics’

Posted 14 May 2016, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Believer1 says...

Here's a legal path once the Constitutional Amendment has been passed:

Two men apply to The Registry for a Marriage Licence. They are refused. Immediately, they file a Complaint in The Court claiming they have been discriminated against based on their sex ( male) and that the refusal by The Registrar is unconstitutional. They lose. They take their case to the Privy Council...and win ! They return triumphant and wave their PC Ruling and get married. Same sex marriage is here.

On ‘Stop same-sex scare tactics’

Posted 13 May 2016, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Believer1 says...

Here's a legal path: two men apply to The Regstry for a Lcence to get married. They are
refused. They immediately file a Complaint in the Court, statng that the refusal by The Registrar is unconstitutional because they have been discriminated against based on their sex. They do not succeed. Then they Appeal to The Privy Council, and win their Appeal.
They return to The Bahamas with the PC Ruling. They get married.
Same sex marriage is here.

On ‘Stop same-sex scare tactics’

Posted 13 May 2016, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal