Comment history

BigD1 says...

I hope there is a filter to eliminate all the unnecessary commentary and only acknowledge well intended suggestions. I do believe there are some general consensus on some original ideas that those will be taken seriously. Keep all the griping and insults to forums like this as they serve no other purpose other that taking up valuable space

BigD1 says...

Tal, you do realize this article is about an international probe into the contract for the purchased Defense Force Vessels right?

BigD1 says...

Tal can you ever respond to the subject at hand without bringing up another subject which seems to be your way to deflect criticism or scrutiny. I was always told answering a question with a question is quite rude.

BigD1 says...

A politician who doesn't like politics is like a Christian who hates christianity

BigD1 says...

Is this the only beautiful piece of property that can be developed for a National Park in the Bahamas. We have 700 beautiful Islands and cays in the Bahamas much which has been available for sale for decades but here you guys only interested in this piece because Disney wants to do something with it. What's worst you all are making it seem that this project is the end of all beaches and marine life in the Bahamas. Accept your loss and find another location to protect before Royal Caribbean does. #justsayin

BigD1 says...

the process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste.
"an area undergoing rapid gentrification"

I am all for this. It works do your research. New Your is a prime example

On PM’s blueprint to save Over-the-Hill

Posted 26 April 2018, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Notice none of those Minnis haters touch this

BigD1 says...

Under the other COP offices when fired on were wary to pull the trigger because they had no support. They use to call for back up giving the culprits time to escape or throw away their weapons. Now they have the support they need to execute their duties within the confines of their training. I say to our brave officers BRAVO

On Two gunmen die in police shootout

Posted 24 January 2018, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

BigD1 says...

Another anonymous former MP.....SMT

BigD1 says...

They want Senator Rolle to apologize publicly for speaking her mind about the disrespect of her leader in the public domain. They make this request publicly and by in large challenge their own leader in the public domain. Either these guys are PLP moles or they have intentions of forming their own party very soon. Any other scenario simply does not make much sense.