Comment history

BigDuffus says...

I was told by someone close to local government that the head of local board was invited to tor the sight with all the departments from Nassau and see all the plans but he could not attend and did not send anyone else. So clearly the whole truth is not out there as some people want it. Papa did not need permits when he dug out this very same place.

On Treasure Cay project 'desperately needed'

Posted 28 November 2013, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

I was told by someone close to local government that the head of local board was invited to tor the sight with all the departments from Nassau and see all the plans but he could not attend and did not send anyone else. So clearly the whole truth is not out there as some people want it. Papa did not need permits when he dug out this very same place.

On MrAbaco

Posted 28 November 2013, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

Funny these project opponents in treasure did not have anything to say when at the time Prime Minister and MP Ingraham dug out this very same place with no permits and no best study and by doing so proved that after dredging out this place that had no water with low tide now has more bone fish and sea life. These opponents are using BNT and save the bays for polical gain by not telling them the whole truth. They never called them when Papa did it.

On Treasure Cay project 'desperately needed'

Posted 28 November 2013, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

It was my understanding that Local Government leader were invited to a walk around and to look at plans Only BEST from Nassau showed up.

On Abaco anger over fishing lodge work

Posted 10 November 2013, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

Theres propblem with that. We Abacoian are so into our petty party crap that we cant get any thing done. If PLP buys bus FNM people will try stop it, if FNM gets bus PLP people will try stop it. The goverments are doing what they do best. They both do every thing to keep me and u fighting so we will not come together and make both of them do what we want and need.

On Dropping air routes 'not political move'

Posted 10 November 2013, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

Sounds like Treasure needs a new bonefish lodge. to bring more people. But u see how people talk two ways. They want people there and ask for help but when goverment trys to get things going its a problem. We spend to much time with are party views that we dont see how dumb we Bahamains are. just cus PLP aproved bone fish lodge some leaders in the north will do everything they can to stop it. Even if it means jobs and income lost for people in the north. If FNM was doing it they would be singing and jumping for joy. Dont get me wrong i am not supporting eather party in this just stating a fact.

BigDuffus says...

Funny these people in treasure did not have anything to say when at the time Prime Minister and MP Ingraham dug out this very same place with no permits and no best study.

On Abaco anger over fishing lodge work

Posted 10 November 2013, 7:24 a.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

Funny these people in treasure did not have anything to say when at the time Prime Minister and MP Ingraham dug out this very same place with no permits and no best study. Hers the address if u want to see what he did before.… just zome in on Treasure Cay.

On Abaco lodge 'was standing site of loyalists'

Posted 9 November 2013, 7:58 a.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...

Funny these people in treasure did not have anything to say when at the time Prime Minister and MP Ingraham dug out this very same place with no permits and no best study. Hers the address if u want to see what he did before.… just zome in on Treasure Cay.

On 'Answer the concerns over Abaco dredging'

Posted 9 November 2013, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

BigDuffus says...…
Sorry. This is the right link to the sat image. just zome in on Tresure Cay.

On Lawsuit mulled over North Abaco dredging

Posted 8 November 2013, 10:53 p.m. Suggest removal