Comment history

BigSlick says...

Colombus is representative of a system in which the New World was developed for the benefit of the privileged few and at the expense of exploited labor and theft.

BigSlick says...

I always assumed the Eagle was Rome (which i guess USA is the modern day Rome).
The mark of the beast is the uniforms of Police and Military working on behalf of the Empire.
Satan might very well be Trump, appearing as Christ with all his sheep worshipping him!

BigSlick says... gathered that all from his simple reply? Perhaps you are presumptuous!
and this is happening worldwide, so NO, this does not serve as proof that our Bahamaland is finished!

BigSlick says...

Don't be complacent! Get those numbers up and make sure the detainees in Fox Hill Prison and CDC all get vaccinated too!

BigSlick says...

WRONG!!! Economy does best when you put more money in more pockets. VAT was horrible as its a tax on the consumer. Increase the minimum wage and that gives more people money to spend. Do away with VAT and all duties for that matter and only put a hefty tax on Capital Gains.

BigSlick says...

ummmm..... huh???

BigSlick says...


BigSlick says...


On UN comments 'deeply troubling'

Posted 29 November 2019, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

BigSlick says...


On Pigeon Peas debris 'virtually' cleared

Posted 26 October 2019, 7:42 a.m. Suggest removal

BigSlick says...


On Smith challenge to shanty town action

Posted 9 October 2019, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal