Comment history

Bigrocks says...

guess Brave kicked off with the big party out West a few days back.

Maybe best if we lock down the government higherarchy?

Bigrocks says...

Well, I guess the carnival folks sue the Givernment for costs,ect for letting them come in,set up and then now told to go home? Seems we have had no Governments for the past 50 years can think anything through that they do.

Bigrocks says...

Guess if one has to remind the flock whom the leader is, he is not eyed as the leader from the f;lock"

On Pintard reminds team - I’m our voice

Posted 15 December 2021, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Face it. VAT could be 100%. What would happen? Members of both parties woulld spend all that income and more. Debt will continue to rise. Promises, padded hiring ect. to keep gettng elected.

On IMF: 12% VAT rate ‘lowest in Caribbean’

Posted 8 December 2021, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Well I guess there will be staff thining, rise in unemployment, and more folks getting paid to stay home by Government with printed money. Where do I sign up?

On Brave’s ‘New Day’ for all workers

Posted 7 December 2021, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

I guess what everybody forgot was that all duties were to be elimininated when Vat was started and VAT to be 15%. but, both governments kept Duties in place, reduce a few by a few % and then threw VAT on top of it. They both politicized VAT. I bet if they put VAT to 20% and tossed out the enitre Duty schedule then stopped padding every governent office with labor that nows stay at home and get paid to do nothing, you would be surprised how the debt would drop and evrything would end up more balanced..

But, if they threw out at all duties, lots of brokers and custom folks might have to seek a different kind of work?

Look at BTC. pushing fiber hook ups. 8-10 weeks in and still not completed
BPL. seems many new houses cannot even get them to hook up the electricity to the houses. Guess too many home getting paid to do nothing.

No sense talking anout the water and sewage mess, nor uncollected property and other taxes they seem unable to collect.. ect ect ect!!!!

On Opposition’s last-ditch VAT change bid fails

Posted 4 December 2021, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

can't change or cure stupid

On ‘We’ll be a republic - eventually’

Posted 2 December 2021, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

Bigrocks says...

Need to sell bpl, btc, Water and sewage, and Bahamasair. none are manged well at all
and a drain on the tax payers because of all mentioned above and Government looading the corps with overstaffing for votes.

Bigrocks says...

Little late. BTC way ahead of them.