Comment history

BiminiRick says...

We gonna re-start the People to People program in Bimini. This time is will be called "PEEple to PEEple" and will encompass every Biminite inviting one of Genting's tourists in the use the restroom. If every resident of Bimini takes one of the 1500 cruise ship passengers, then everyone visiting can urinate while on the island. When the hell are 1500 tourists going to be accommodated on an island with a like number of permanent residents? It will be fitting, because government and Genting aren't just yellowing the waters...they are sh-tting all over the future of Bimini.

BiminiRick says...

Our country has one industry and one industry only...tourism. 100% of tourism in Bimini is driven by the sea, sand and water. Whether the Privy Council is involved is NOT the question. Perhaps you'll want to run in the next election, because you too are uneducated regarding the issue at hand and ignorant as to the environmental disaster facing Bimini--just like O.W. and P.C. You'd be perfect to join the current government which turned a blind eye to the EIA which accurately predicts the impending doom! Why don't you stop worrying about the Privy Council and stand up for some transparency in Bahamian government. Mega-projects such as this one one an 8 square mile island is a travesty. Yet it has all been approved within one year! Top to bottom. NO consultation with Biminites, no forethought, no consideration to the consequences. carte blanche given to genting. When it comes to're seeing an entire country being driven as slaves to Genting...all to benefit a VERY few.

BiminiRick says...

Sorry Lloyd. If you can't see that this is a development WAAAY too big for this tiny little island, then rather than question your motivation, I have to question your understanding. Read the the everything that has come out that explains that the short term benefit (which will mostly accrue to Genting) will be FAR outweighed by the environmental disaster awaiting if this development continues. This is "trickle-down economics" at its worst. You're giving up the future for a couple of bucks (and not that much at all) now.

BiminiRick says...

Stupid, stupid, stupid people. Government of the Bahamas is filled with people who can't comprehend an EIA that basically states this "cruise terminal" will destroy the very essence of Bimini. The people in power are absolutely clueless! We, as Bahamians, are rightfully regarded as ignorant. WE elect these people. WE put up with this blatant disregard for constituents. WE allow them to line their pockets while our very livelihood is destroyed. WE are the ones to blame. Now go ahead and elect these same clowns next time! Stupid, stupid people!

BiminiRick says...

Integrity? Explain to me how a mega company gets to destroy the island of Bimini--carte blanche--in violation of permitting, in violation of laws, in violation of the will of the people. If ANY politicians in the Bahamas had any understanding of Bimini or any integrity, the rape of that little island would not be occurring right now.

On PM: Don't challenge my integrity

Posted 16 May 2014, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiRick says...

Obie Wilchcombe has a huge, already cleared boondoggle in West End courtesy of the Ginn folks. Lots of promises but in the end...not much for Bahamians. At least there they only raped the land. In Bimini, we have no's all about the water. So what do our politicians do? They let a huge mega corporation go in and destroy the ONLY tourist attraction Bimini has...diving and watersports. See Cape Eleuthera, West End, Great Harbour Cay, even Treasure Cay for examples of people coming in, destroying the natural beauty and then taking their money and running...leaving Bahamians to pick up the pieces. You wonder why foreigners come to this country thinking that the people are stupid? They just look at the folks in government, who are supposed to be the brightest and best, see what's there and figure out the rest. We vote these clown into office.

BiminiRick says...

The only findings that are important to the government of the Bahamas is what they find in their own pockets. The stupidity involved in sanctioning this project is monumental and fittingly spread amongst several administrations. Why didn't the MP for Bimini and West End direct this project to Grand Bahama? They have thousands of acres of land there, cleared and ready for development. Perfect for something this size. But Bimini people will vote for Obie again next time. When yinna ga learn?

On Bimini concern

Posted 16 May 2014, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

BiminiRick says...

BTW, did you EVER think any of this activity was going to stop the rape of Bimini's natural beauty? If you have a $ in this country you can get anything you want...damn the people!

BiminiRick says...

And you wonder why so many people think Bahamians are stupid? So-called "government" that doesn't consult with constituents, doesn't even let them know what's going on...simply pockets $$ and sells out the country. The ignorance shown by successive Bahamian governments is unfathomable! Bimini's beautiful Radio Beach was destroyed almost 10 years ago by the government allowing channel dredge materials to be unceremoniously dumped directly on the beach. Fifteen feet high, huge boulders, packed tight enough that cars now drive on the area. They ruined one of the best beaches in the Bahamas because nobody had enough sense to figure out the destruction they were putting into place. All I can say is sometimes people get what they deserve. vote in stupid and corrupt politicians and get inept and even catastrophic results. when will all of us dumb a$$ bahamians learn?

BiminiRick says...

Got $$$$...get anything you want in the Bahamas. No difference from the dope dealers in the 70s spreading money to get what they want, now it's money to rape the environment and destroy the very essence of Bimini. Cape Eleuthera, West End, Rock Sound, Great Harbour Cay, Chub Cay, Winding Bay, etc. ...all huge projects now in the dust. At least, these developments didn't totally destroy the communities they were attached to. People were left with empty buildings and empty pockets, but they had the natural beauty and essence of the Bahamas to fall back on. In Bimini, they are destroying the very elements that make it a Bahamian paradise--tranquility, the ocean, the natural beauty--that can't be replaced once removed. How can a government of supposedly educated people NOT SEE this is a disaster! I believe it can only be one reason...the almighty dollar. PLEASE, for God's sake, Mr. Christie, turn back this incredible misjudgment by the government.