Comment history

Biminibrad says...

This is not surprising at all and I would expect things to get worse before they get better.

Biminibrad says...

The information I have received conflicts with the above. Check with Scrubbies helper Dominic. The sources I have as a pilot and a Bimini home owner indicate another plane was involed. The piper Aztec or Geronnomo, its predacessor, would fly on one engine.

Biminibrad says...

The tsil number will not neccasaruly identify who diedwhich is the case here.

Biminibrad says...

The Bahams and Bimini lost one of the most talented, hardest working mechanics in the aviation bussiness today. Scrubby, as he was known, would aleays come thru to help you out of a jam, be it your airplane, boat, golf cart or car. He pulled himself up thru the ranks and received nis u.s. Certification as mechanic. He will be sorely missed. Rip Scrubby.…