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Bluesummer says...

Is anyone aware of how soon the register of application would be available?

Bluesummer says...

Reading this information tonight really was an answer to my prayers, i feel so helpless; i have applied only a year and a half ago, however i was told point blank that it was going to take
about 15 years or more before anything happened; i informed them that i was not applying for my great grand children; but hoping to lay a foundation for their future; i have complied with everything that was required to complete the application but no response to date; i had also identified areas of interest for their consideration but i was told that it was not available only to find out that it was granted to foreign investors subsequent to my application; spoke to a representative at the Prime Ministers Office about what had happened, he looked me in the face and told me that i was the wrong color, and wrong nationality, bahamian, that if i was white or Chinese that consideration would have been given sooner and that he was sorry; he suggested to me taking my business idea to another family island where there was plenty of crown land available; i told him that i wanted to contribute to the economy of Nassau and that why didn't he consider moving there; spoke to to Mr. M. at land and survey today absolute waste of time; subsequent to speaking to someone who had first hand knowledge of the availability of crown land in Nassau was told (lied to) by Mr. M. that there was nothing here in Nassau and that he could not help me; i told Mr. M. that am refuse to take no as answer and am not going to give up; i am a Bahamas with a dream; all i am asking government to consider is, if they don't have enough confidence in Bahamian to be successful in business; simply give them an opportunity to FAIL; at least there would be proof or records of persons who have been granted crown land for business opportunities but have failed; they have not given Bahamians the opportunity even to fail or to prove them wrong; BASED one principal i am not going to give up; Thank you Mr.Smith for speaking on behalf of so many Bahamains