Comment history

Bonefishpete says...

Yep more social workers and More money. That will do it.

Bonefishpete says...

Between the sharks eating the tourists and beating up gay people a whole lot of walking back by the politicians will be forthcoming.

Bonefishpete says...

Bring back commercial shark fishing or shark attacks will continue. If not close the beaches and lose tourist businesses. Or do as normal and just ignore the problems.

Bonefishpete says...

Everybody talks up Solar but it's expensive and requires a lot of maintenance especially in a salt environment. Who is going to maintain it?

On Abaco Cay warns PM BPL woe ‘unbearable’

Posted 5 December 2023, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Bonefishpete says...

Move Along nothing to see.

On US ‘newlywed’ killed by shark

Posted 4 December 2023, 10:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Bonefishpete says...

So the Government Flatten the shanty then rent rooms to the families that had their shanty Flatten. Were no Missiles Involved in dis Flatten?

Bonefishpete says...

Isn't that the point? For the ruling party to rule?

Bonefishpete says...

Scorched Conch ain't going to scorched itself.

Bonefishpete says...

What Gated Community?

On Four-year-old girl found dead on beach

Posted 20 November 2023, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Bonefishpete says...

Never been done before.
Newly elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) does not have a bank account.