Comment history

Boydie says...

Thanks Naughty. Richard was a one-off and will be sorely missed. Cheers.

Boydie says...

The FNM used sponsored web page ads effectively too. Ebay, YouTube etc. they were everywhere.

On Mitchell lashes out at FNM win

Posted 15 May 2017, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

Fred's teaming with Gomez to back that little guy for opposition leader. Whilst we be on that subject, can the newspapers in town come to a collective agreement to drop the "brave" moniker. It's of no relevance and tiresome to read in print.
Pretty, pretty, sure Fred will be in the Senate in no time.

On Mitchell lashes out at FNM win

Posted 15 May 2017, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

"The Tribune understands" I have no opinion until the story is confirmed.

Boydie says...

Bran the Man is always a day late and a dollar short.

On DNA concern over ballot box security

Posted 5 May 2017, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

Well said Harry. This Mud bampot is as annoying as Tally+Strawny

Boydie says...

This is hearsay. Tribune get your finger out and do some investigative work for a change instead of relying on FB and Talk-Shit Radio.

Boydie says...

Hilarious. But it's ok for your bum chum at Lyford Cay to bank roll your hog wash.

Boydie says...

They had to know this simpleton's time was up and even after the Referendum botch-up he remained in his position. To what end?

Boydie says...

Deliberate malfeasance.