Comment history

Boydie says...

I wholeheartedly agree Banker, Mudda Taker (Take what?) is very much in the vain of Tal and Strawn. Do not read or worse still respond to their paid drivel.

On Spoil the ballot - by voting DNA

Posted 25 April 2017, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

God's servant misses the point. Corruption and deceiving are very much the "issues" of the day

On Bishop attacks 'gutter politics'

Posted 25 April 2017, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

Not sure but he has a nice watch.

Boydie says...

Apparently it was closed once the numerous scholarships were awarded. Funny how these scholarships were a one time offering.

Boydie says...

Suck my lolipop

On Our future, all things considered

Posted 21 April 2017, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

When they're a goblin
There ain't a problin
When they're a goblin
I start a-wobblin'
Pink all over
Some is tan

Frank Zappa

On PM warns of mischief

Posted 21 April 2017, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

"how much will Craig Flowers bank roll the PLP" @ Duppy, How about $834,639 for starters

Boydie says...

"It could withhold the permits China Construction America requires for its $200 million development at the British Colonial Hilton, but has shown little inclination to do so. Why?"

Haven't you driven by the Hilton site and seen the heavy civil engineering work under way? In the absence of any Permit numbers, a legal requirement, don't you think it prudent to place a call to the MOW. Or do you only report on sip sip and the verbal diarrhea that flows freely on the local radio talk shows?

Boydie says...

Why don't the Tribune moderate the comment section on these articles?
This "FNM_Retards" clown is obviously a hired hand and his/her petty comments are childish, and often peppered with profanity.