Comment history

Bre007 says...

-The was convincing DNA evidence that the body found was the offspring of Tryphemia Meadows (Marco's mother).
-If the parent's DNA were found on Marco's body or clothes that would hardly be irregular. As they would be expected to have contact with him. On the other hand, it is definitely a red flag that Kohfe's DNA was on Marco's clothes as he had no reason to be in contact with the child.
-Marco's body was found wraped in a sheet with a distinctive rose pattern. The fitted sheet with the same pattern was found on Kohfe's BED.
-Just because evidence is circumstantial does not mean it is incapable of being damning. When you have multiple pieces of circumstantial evidence and you put it together the chance of a coincidence diminishes and an inference of guilt can be drawn. Indirect evidence can be sufficient to convict as this case pointed out.
-Kohfe spat on a juror provoking her to attack. Personally I think to spit on another person is vile and disgusting. What would you have done?