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Brenard says...

If the facts presented are true, these officers should be dishonorably discharged after proper investigations. This right here, is how criminals are made and another reason why police are denied assistance. The force is plagued with a stable of trigger happy and action craving imbeciles.

ya betta fear 'cop with a gun' because as they say, "i am the law". i really don't know what to say, these space cadets are really out of hand.

There are some good officers out there, but facts remain truth. The bad heavily outweighs the good. From my experiences alone with officers and their incompetence, corruption and nasty arrogant attitudes, i can say that with confidence.

"2, 4 we gat action"

"10, 4 i am a jackass"

"8, 9 roger that"

Brenard says...

I have seen this so called shock tactic used in 2003 on male students at L.W. Young. The students were taken to HMP for a day where they were exposed to while being intimidated by the prisoners. One of the students even met his father there. Did it work? No, it didn't. Is this something original and new? No.

However, the execution of this project might be different from that of 2003. I am in support of anything that can be used to help the youth of such a deeply corrupted, greedy, hateful, vengeful, misleaded, ignorant, uneducated and government brainwashed society develop themselves.

What I really think? I think this is just a stunt. Maybe, I am wrong. Maybe, I am just so, so, so weary of these governments. Time is always the accurate answer.

Brenard says...

Did i just read a confession?

So, this is the extent a political party resort to for personal gain? You mean, the Bahamas was painted as a land rich with murderous outlaws in view of visitors by this government? Knowing fully, the potential havoc it might have shadowed upon the economy and those who live here? Simply, for emotional manipulation and votes?

A single murder count decrease should be seen as notable? Is this kindergarden or what?
***Crime is to be blamed on the government, the opposition and the citizens.
Murders in the Bahamas is a Bahamian problem not a political one!***

I am appalled by the mediocrities within Bahamian politics. Is this a circus we are all living in?

On PM 'would not put up murder signs'

Posted 7 May 2014, 8:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

Tal, why do you continue to make this issue about party color? Do you even jist how mediocre that is? You are set in your ways. I won't bother anymore, it's wasted energy.

Brenard says...

Listen, I do not represent shirt color. I am a ***Bahamian***. You may fall fool for such psychological childs play, but not me.

***I represent my people, not the people who "claim" to represent them.***

Brenard says...

Tal, what is wrong with you. You're always defending what you admitt is wrong. This is not an issue of shirt color, save that foolishness for primary school. We are all bahamians. Your mind set is that of the old and should die out with the negative properties of the old. You are always quick to defend these persons as if you are so relevant to them. ***wake up!***

We have no right in this country to be politically divided. Yet we the people cry, when it is us who contribute to our oppression.

You should develop your mentality and also, ***we are not in Russia comrade. Keep it bahamian.***

Brenard says...


Brenard says...

Should not the crime of the 70 or so illegal homes be investigated first?

Brenard says...

So, the issue is, the media is taking a "delight" in the "truth"? So, are they misguiding the public? How can I as a person make promises, take on tasks or cry out when it is I or my counterparts whom fail to satisfy or deliver to appropriate standards?

The media has done nothing wrong. As citizens they are entitled to report facts as raw and accurate as possible. Now, sugar coating would then be tampering with facts and the truth. It's amazing how psychology is used to fool persons.

It's always easier to be sitting up and looking down while talking. -SIGHS-

Not once have I seen to my knowledge, the media "lied" or "stretched" the "truth". I see nothing wrong.

How about using the media as motivation by doing better, while showcasing an example for young bahamians such as myself?

Brenard says...

The police force has enough resources for all issues concerning their expertise. However, such resources are misused, officers lack discipline and other officers lack contribution. It's not an issue of short handed resources, that is just a cloud to cover the publics eyes in which redirects attention away from the forces' incompetence.

I can't agree with you on that point you made. We must all be open minded while logic is be applied. She was a minor, we are all lost in our own unique way, some worst than others. No one stated that she was more of a priority than a murder, kidnapping or rape. I think it would be unfair to even debate which should be more of a priority. Crime is crime. The fact is, she is a minor who desperately needs love, direction and discipline. Being a citizen of the Bahamas should at least entitle a person to that.