Comment history

Brenard says...

The police force has enough resources for all issues concerning their expertise. However, such resources are misused, officers lack discipline and other officers lack contribution. It's not an issue of short handed resources, that is just a cloud to cover the publics eyes in which redirects attention away from the forces' incompetence.

I can't agree with you on that point you made. We must all be open minded while logic is be applied. She was a minor, we are all lost in our own unique way, some worst than others. No one stated that she was more of a priority than a murder, kidnapping or rape. I think it would be unfair to even debate which should be more of a priority. Crime is crime. The fact is, she is a minor who desperately needs love, direction and discipline. Being a citizen of the Bahamas should at least entitle a person to that.

Brenard says...

If i can get away with being an unruly adolescent, why not upgrade my game to armed robbery and later to murder? I'm already stealing my brothers car and shoplifting. Sure, redirect all of your resources to the more seasoned offenders. Within a months time, I would have my promotion of being a seasoned offender myself.

Do you see the link now?

Brenard says...

Something so invaluable, all for foreign interest and hidden agenda.

I did not even bother reading the entire story.

In Eleuthera, Half Moon Cay to be exact, i saw the cruise ships docked in deep waters. Smaller transport vessels then came to and were attached to the larger ships as a method of transfering guest to the cay, vice versa.

Now by saying that, it seems that the solutions implemented are not in the best interest of the bahamian people and their environment. Especially, when there are more justifying alternatives which can result in a win:win scenario.

Brenard says...

In my opinion, it is not necessarily "trying something new" or "tired of the same old two party regime". It is more of persons seeing the truth within bahamian politics, the police/defense force and social grounds. A person can only be fooled and blinded by foolishness a limited amount of times before that desire for common sense and understanding kicks in.

Sadly, a vast majority of bahamian voters are mindless zombies who lack reasoning and understanding. ***"my grammy them is plp, so that's what i is".*** ***"he's my papa, but i can't say how".*** Point proven.

I think, that once the DNA introduces legitimate candidates and present a comprehensive declaration, they can then move on to doing a lot of good in this country. Possibly, in ways never seen before. My grandmother always told me, "show people you're different". That along with vision and a heart of fire for this country, is all it takes.

On Super Value owner backs D.N.A.

Posted 5 May 2014, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

First of all, the officers who released the girl should be held accountable if in fact they failed to follow release procedures by law. If those over authority within the police force fail to offer resolve, then the government should unleash punishment upon both the officers and their superiors. Now if this chain of command fails, we then see that we possess bigger issues. ***You can't just jump up and say, "i blame the government because some watless officers failed me". Chain of commands exist for a reason, if that fails then the government can be held to account.***

From an earlier story on this matter, I realized this girl is both confused and troublesome. However, that does not justify to brush the issue under the rug nor say to her father that he should let go of her. Jehovah nor Jesus did that to us. @bahamianaway

Brenard says...

This is indeed tragic, however I do not fathom why something illegal as such is receiving so much sympathy. Fundraisers? It just goes to show how pathetic and two faced the situation is on part of both the governments and citizens alike. It's the "type" of criminal and "injustice" that seems to be accepted.

I am not a prejudice person, I think both Bahamians and Haitians are equal as human beings. BUT, THE ?!law!? is needed to ***enforced*** by an iron fist of thorns.

When we have uncontrollable & difficult health outbreaks, then what would be the case? The other "type" of criminal also watches these kind of circumstances and the response that is given by authority. Where then do you think some of them get their steam/push from?

On Homes destroyed in shanty town fire

Posted 5 May 2014, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Brenard says...

First i'm hearing of this new diploma system. Mind elaborating for me so I can then go and check the facts?

Brenard says...

You know the truth, atleast you are not trying to powder it away. I agree with what you say.

Brenard says...

Tal, it is like your talking a talk that does not match "our reality". How could i change the way i think about the truth? Wouldn't i then be in denial or lieing to myself if i did? Mary Engelbreit wrote that according to her unique circumstances/environment/culture, not bahamian.

I am always positive and confident within myself. Indeed, no political powers can strip me of that. Howerever, it seems as if all young bahamians with dreams can do is die in/with confidence, dignity & respect

Let's keep it real please.

Brenard says...

These guys are worst than woman, when they leave office, all you will see are bills.