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Bridget says...

Been following Tribune242's coverage of the Baha Mar situation. Very informative, always interesting. Trying to figure something out. Maybe Mr. Hartnell knows. Or maybe readers know, and care to comment?
Are Ian Winder and Raymond Winder blood related? And if so, how are they related? If I was a judge in the US judge and appointed my brother for a key role, probably that would raise eyebrows, at a minimum. Probably worse if I am approving my brother's fees.
Have also been trying to figure out if contractors and employees are suing locally. Anyone know? The US bankruptcy failed, so there is no stay in place as a matter of US law. My understanding of the law of the Bahamas is that the local liquidation proceedings did not throw up a stay. But ever since the receiver was appointed there has not been much news about litigation. Comments welcome.
Thanks to Tribune242 for the coverage. I hope for the best result, an open Baha Mar. Would be happy to book a reservation when the day comes. :)