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Brunerr says...

My name is Rick Bruner. I am the father of Kyle Bruner, the sailor who was killed in Nassau on Sunday. I would like to say up front that I don't blame the people of the Bahamas for my son's death. This sort of thing can and does happen in many cities around the world. My son was killed by a person and some will say he shouldn't have been in that area or he shouldn't have become involved in the struggle between the woman being robbed and her assailant, but he was not a person who would stand by and watch someone being victimized. His death has created a a whirlwind of talk and warnings and suggestions; it is my hope and I know it would have been his as well that this death in some small way reminded people that to affect change takes the will to change. This doesn't mean relying on government to create that change, after all government is merely a reflection of a country's citizens, it means that ordinary people have to make the commitment to change what is happening and work together to achieve their goals. Some might say that I have no business telling Bahamians how to conduct their affairs and they would be right, I am not telling you what to do. I am merely saying that no family wants to be notified that their child has been senselessly murdered, whether they are American or Bahamian.