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BuildSchoolsAndHospitals says...

In the meantime, our country continues to exist as a beggar nation, unable to service its escalating foreign debt and lacking in infrastructure investment in Education & Health.

The vast array of foreign protesters can happily go back to their cosy homes in more affluent and well serviced parts of the world.

All the issues that Fred Smith QC brings up haven't prevented citizens of countries like Norway, benefitting from one of the worlds highest standards of living, through oil revenues paid into their Sovereign Wealth Fund

You privileged foreigners & already wealthy citizens (Mr Fred Smith QC) should stop trying to tell us it the elected Govt how to run outr country

Go ack to your privileged lives elsewhere instead of using us and then moving on to the next 'big cause', leaving us broke and unable to service our increased borrowing burden.

Emotional speeches are cheap Mr Fred Smith QC!

BuildSchoolsAndHospitals says...

Ridiculous figures being touted by Fred Smith QC. We need oil revenues to build up I frastructure, provide better educational facilities and contribute towards a much improved health system with state of the art technology & medicines.

It's okay for the foreign eco activists to go back to their privileged middle class lifestyles, after denying us the same benefits they take for granted.

Fred Smith QC is contributing in their 'moral indulgence'

BuildSchoolsAndHospitals says...

Perhaps Mr Smith QC should explain to us how the 7.2M visitors in 2019' contributed to addressing the national debt and why that debt burden is increasing every year?

Many if is 'eco friends' bo doubt benefit from domestic economic.ies that provide splendid health services & educational facilities, to which they can conveniently return to.

We on the other hand, have to suffer with mounting debt which wont go away, even if you doubled it trebled the number of visitors yearly

Mr Smith QC should do the maths I stead if giving us fine words - Oil revenues are our ONLY hope to escape from being a beggar nation but something Mr Smith QC and his merry friends would deny us.

Our only hope is Bahamas Petrokeum striking oil now.

On Oil opponents deny ‘malice’ motivation

Posted 25 November 2020, 3:15 a.m. Suggest removal

BuildSchoolsAndHospitals says...

Initiatives towards 'greener' energy sources may be happening but reliance on oil will continue for decades to come. In that time and ONLY through oil revenues, we could wipe out ALL our national debt. Tourism alone will not do that and we will always be in debt, which is increasing.

When Fred Smith QC talks about 'Billions of dollars' in revenues to our country being 'misleading', what does he mean. This just sounds like political speak to deny the fact that our country could be receiving those billions of dollars.

When he says we should be at the forefront of the green movement, where will the revenues come from to support that - from his own pocket?

The population can benefit from new Schoolls, Hospitals and a top class infrastructure, as well as personal wealth for our citizens.

Instead, Mr. Smith is calling for the 'hippy agenda' of already well off nations, whilst our own people have to suffer through crippling national debt. When after decades, renewable energy does become prominent, those resources from oil will e worthless- the time to use them is NOW and while we still can.

It sounds more like Mr. Fred Smith is setting up a platform for his own political ambitions than really looking out for the less privileged people, who would really benefit from the advantages billions of Petro dollars would bring - just look at Norway.

Let's be a truely financialy free nation, indebted to no one!

On Oil opponents deny ‘malice’ motivation

Posted 24 November 2020, 11:29 p.m. Suggest removal