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Bunni says...

First of all we (bahamians) are not unaccustomed to taxation. WTH is Customs Duty then?! As expensive as it is to damn live in this country you will say something stupid as that. The wholesaler has his mark up on a good then he sells to lets to say a food store and then they have to add their own mark on this same good which has already calculated duty rates in the cost and you go add 7.5%VAT on top of that. #Yinna is simply da best!.

Bunni says...

You are right on the money man .......

Bunni says...

wtf mr miller!! must be think the Bahamian people has a private ATM that just dispense money out whenever you and this damn Government say we will increase your bec bill, vat, national health plan eh?. You'll een see crime yet in the country with all the financial burden you'll want put on the back of the poor and middle class. I'm paying extra money for continue outages ..... I pay more for less service. We have to live to ya know. #you'll full of shit.

Bunni says...

You must of read my mind!.

On Make it simple, but get it done

Posted 20 August 2014, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

Sick Bastard!.

Bunni says...

I need a heath insurance deal myslef!.

Bunni says...

Real Horse S***!


Posted 18 August 2014, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

A lot of other reason does go into why prices on good increases. I do think some time it is greed from some of these merchants with their high a** mark up on goods. You have freight increases, first cost increases or VAT which will be introduce come next year. Cutting duty will not decrease cost on goods but look forward to good increasing when VAT is implemented.

On Motorcade against VAT

Posted 18 August 2014, 8:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

PM you are truly full of "SHIT" ..... I need to start building without a permit number too eh because other persons legal or not are doing it now in these shanty towns. Why in the hell should I pay tax ONLY towards construction a building cause ya'll just let people do whatever in my country.

Bunni says...

So happy and proud at the same time. Love my 242 and its great athletes!.


Posted 5 August 2014, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal