Comment history

Bunni says...

I'm confident you are an "ASS"!.

Bunni says...

Example, those that hire Illegal persons to do gardening/yard work pays them in cash and nothing goes into NIB.
Hands out hands in and the majority send out the country.
Persons that hires these individual does not document them thru NIB nor ask for status in the country.

Bunni says...

Never will agree with Income Tax. Why?, we have a huge Illegal population in the country that works and does not pay any contribution into NIB. So, since I work and contribution goes to NIB you will only stick (income tax) deduction to me. Not a fare tax there!.

Bunni says...

This will not end well!.

On VAT Bill to be tabled today

Posted 23 July 2014, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...


Bunni says...

May he R.I.P.! I thank you for all you have done.

Bunni says...

There is not enough "LIKE" button for me to click for your comment.

Bunni says...

Question, will wholesalers go down some what since your cutting the duty rate on goods?. Let me answer my own question then ...... NO! We will be paying the same amount on goods plus on top of it we will have to pay the 7.5% on the total. It sure is better in the Bahamas. HA!

Bunni says...

Question?. If I was to drop my private medical for NHI, what other medical facility can I use other then pmh/gov. clinic Dr. Gomez?.

On 'On target' for 2016 health plan

Posted 22 July 2014, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Bunni says...

Who cares!