Comment history

CAFS says...

I couldn't have said this better. Our police officers need to be educated and there needs to be some accountability. They embody what happens when power gets to someone heads.

CAFS says...

Tal, yes it is better to "LIVE." But, I'm afraid your "reaching within"/"Higher Power" talk isn't the answer for everyone. Let's stop stigmatizing those who seek help for mental illness as weak for not having been able to overcome it via a "Higher Power."

CAFS says...

TalRussel, your ignorance is appalling and is exactly why there needs to be more discourse on mental health. I guess we should tell all suicidal people to just "pray about" it and "have faith"? If so, then why not start telling cancer patients that faith alone--not medicine--will cure them. It is time to start treating illness above the neck the same as we do those below. I'm not criticizing your religious views, but merely stating that you're wrong to imply that mental illness can be prayed away. Sharon, thank you for this article.