Comment history

CEMA65 says...

Did you guys making all the negative comments about this poor lady actually read the article? It clearly stated that Mrs. Cash has already been to the police station to file a complaint and it directly directly quoted her as saying that she is going to take legal action. It was the reporter herself who editorialized that she is "considering" legal action. She then contradicted herself later in the story by quoting Mrs. Cash's exact words. Come on people. Do you really hate the people who support the PLP so much that you will make up anything to condone and diminish this or pretend like it didn't happen? Everyone believed the story about the FNM painted dog and felt sorry about it. But you people can't believe a human being? This is the problem now: Put people first my fellow Bahamians!!

On ‘FNM thug threw rock at gran’

Posted 23 April 2012, 4:12 a.m. Suggest removal