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this is truly a joke..... oh well let the 5 yrs begin,... i could care less of fnm or plp or dna to run this country .. all i wanted to see was progress for this lovely island i call home... now for 5 yrs we were on the wrong side of the river... now we voted to be on the right side and what did we get... a secetary....?. like seriously a damn secetary... mr moss has won this set for the plp 3 consec elections... he was winning his seat when every other plp candidates were being blown out.. and this is his reward.... mr christie said in a rally that he promise exuma a seat at the round table once his goverment won.. but instead we get to watch them eat at this table... exuma deserves a mp ... minister of something... by damn it make up a department but just give us a minister like you promised....