Comment history

CZP09 says...

Wow it's such a horrible thing to do!! How dare he come to the Bahamas and have marijuana in his possession!! What evil he brings us. If tourists like him didn't do this awful thing we would have no problems with marijuana!! War on drugs is a joke if you are in USA or the Bahamas!! Get real people.

CZP09 says...

It's funny how people in comments blame plp..bahamaland don't you know it's just the nature of Bahamian people to be nasty. The worst thing that ever happens to the Bahamas was our idependance.. Totally incompetent country full of fools. The queen was never happier to be rid of this mess!! Plp is the problem? No the people is the problem

On Garbage piles up on Mackey Street

Posted 24 February 2016, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

CZP09 says...

This is a joke. Bahamians do not stand up for their rights. They let the govt stomp on all their rights. This is what Bahamians finally choose to fight for? Natural hair? How messed up this country is.. How few willing to stand up for what's right.. It's sad to be Bahamian. I am ashamed. People you need to stand up for your rights. Things that are important. Police abuse Bahamians daily violate their constitutional rights and Bahamians accept it cuz that's the police? Cuz that's the govt? But now u fight for hair. It's a joke and so is this country