Comment history

C_MonMan says...

As someone who has looked up to Rev Hall, I am deeply disappointed in Rev. Hall. Rev Hall, has a right to his views and opinions, however, as a public figure, role model and pastor he also has an obligation to ensure that his views are not inconsistent with established moral or rational precepts. Rev Hall's defense of a "yes" vote as noted above is not only irrational but also morally irresponsible.

On Pastors face-off over gambling

Posted 12 January 2013, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

Well it's not only those Bahamians who are under the false impression that Web Shops are illegal, today the Commissioner of Police has admitted that he and the Police force, in fact, are under that same false impression as you put it. Maybe the politicians and you should explain to the Police Commissioner that Web Shops and Web shop gaming are indeed legal so that he can stop making a fool of himself by publically proclaiming that they are illegal. If your premise is correct, one then wonders why all the hoopla with obtaining public opinion to regulate and tax a legal activity especially if no regulations will be available for review until after the vote. Really don't understand the point of the article!

On Issues surrounding gambling referendum

Posted 8 January 2013, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

Price competition is bad for consumers and destabilises the property insurance marketplace. What universe is Patrick Ward living and working in. What utter nonsense from someone who should know better. Put on your big boy pants and properly manage your company my friend and stop talking nonsense.

C_MonMan says...

The convenience of both Gibson and Gomez being off the island would be laughable if the matter was not so serious. However, of greater concern is the misguided alleged proactivity of the Acting AG/Minister of Education who claims to have acted with no indication that the AG was even consulted. Boy o boy, Fitzgerald stop talking foolishness. This matter is scandalous and embarrassing for the Bahamas. These fellas fail to appreciate that these judicial precedents have international consequences as the Bahamian economy is underpinned by the confidence of foreign investors.

C_MonMan says...

How dissappointing Mr. PM. I understand that the Church is claiming that the Government met with the "Gambling men" and but did not consult with the church before proposing this opinion poll called a referendum. Was it not this same PLP government who claimed to have opposed the Ingraham referendum because of inadequate consultation with the Church and not enough time for proper societal discourse. Now on a matter with significant social implications, not only have the church not been consulted, but we are also being asked to vote with very short notice on a vague question, with vague guidelines, with no comment on the current and potential social costs but with a bold comment on the tax dollars that the government can earn. And what about the question of a national lottery where the potential government earnings could be five-fold if we are just to focus on the tax dollars. You must think people silly! Dissappointing and sad indeed!

C_MonMan says...

Tribune business you also could have informed us that D’Aguilar is a director of the company, another potential conflict of interest. C'Mon Man.

On Doubts over URCA integrity rejected

Posted 17 September 2012, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...


C_MonMan says...

What utter nonsense! Shame on you John.

On Deputy speaker in racism claim

Posted 13 September 2012, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

He was their lawyer but he is no longer their lawyer until he is their lawyer again. If it sounds eerily familiar it should. Of all the qualified professional persons in the Bahamas why is it that the government has selected the one person who is the lawyer of one of the major licencees. It should be noted that a conflict of interest does not only arise upon the performance of an improper act. It exists if there are circumstances present that are reasonably believed to create a risk that decisions might be unduly influenced by personal or secondary interests. A lawyer/client or former/future lawyer client relationship, in my view, would fall into this category. When are we gonna demand that these jokers stop treating our public affairs as if it is their own little petty shop.

On Doubts over URCA integrity rejected

Posted 13 September 2012, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

C_MonMan says...

To the Tribune Business Editor, is Mr. Moncur's assertion about the chairman of URCA correct or not. If he is correct is this not worthy of some comment. C'Mon Man.

On Angry words over cable price rise

Posted 12 September 2012, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal