Comment history

Cainn says...

Another degenerate speaks...real sad that your kind come in combos

Cainn says...

You are a bigot, the worst kind... categorize a whole nation of people as violent over few kids rock throwing rocks. I feel a deep sorrow for the girl and her family, but for you to use their grief to promote your xenophobic agenda is repulsive and shows you for the degenerate you are.

Cainn says...

Freddy always trying to hide his incompetence behind a feigned indignity for Bahamian sovereignty. With all the backing of the dept of immigration you still can't contain your mishaps. The people have a right to know all about your gestapo tactics.

Cainn says...

Unlike the Bahamas there's no such things as a one man band in the US government. Have you failed to notice the few bahamian MPs and other officials that spews the same kind of rhetorics. No, our bahamian people are not coming back, because in the land of opportunity its not about who you know.

Cainn says...

"Dr Nottage said he almost cried when he first visited the prison as national security minister and saw so many young men cramped together in a single cell."

You have no business being in charge of national security.

Cainn says...

You do realize that what he did was illegal... why do you always have to show yourself as being so clearly hypocritical

On Lenny Kravitz clinic shut over permits

Posted 16 December 2015, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Cainn says...

Those are ridiculous comments sheepherder12

Cainn says...

So true B242... we all come from an enslaved ancestry, to now feel that we bear the right to whip other blacks as was once done to us... smh. Those remarks will haunt Mr. Monroe.

On Munroe comments ‘could incite violence’

Posted 9 December 2015, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Cainn says...

mean while pgc waist deep in with his pals cca and has dragged the rest of us kicking and screaming with him... sucks to be tied down to foolishness

Cainn says...

mean while pgc waist deep in with his pals cca and has dragged the rest of us kicking and screaming with him...