Comment history

Calypso says...

How far behind the times is this country?

Calypso says...

Let's go Travis! Lucky enough to work with him during Youth Parliament sessions - he has the vision to lead this country forward!

Calypso says...

Yes Cable! Keep leading the way forward!

On Cable readies $30m pref share offering

Posted 20 June 2016, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

If we keep politicizing these situations we will get nowhere. When will Bahamians learn that the only way to facilitate meaningful progress and change is through cooperation. It does not matter who comes up with the idea so long as the idea advances all Bahamians together.
Our MP's act like children and it is a sickening reality that cannot continue!

On Miller: BPL deal was a mistake

Posted 16 June 2016, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

Stop politicizing is NOT a political issue! Both parties need to work together to solve this problem. If we remain divided as country the criminals will continue to tear us apart.

On Silence on plan to stop killings

Posted 14 June 2016, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

What this country needs is a core of **young** people with **fresh** ideas. You cannot be a protege at 50 years have run out of time by then if you cannot properly cultivate your own plot!

On Tennyson Wells in his own defence

Posted 13 June 2016, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

Ah yes, the classic "Blame the white man because I cannot accept responsibility for the careless actions of my countrymen" approach.

On Latest Constitutional Referendum Results

Posted 10 June 2016, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

Surprisingly well spoken and a thorough response. Shame this country will continue to be held back by those who cannot grasp the notions of change and equality.

On PM disappointed at vote outcome

Posted 9 June 2016, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

Your opinion is unwarranted and does nothing to advance discussion on the matter.

On ‘Mother’ pratt gives support

Posted 6 June 2016, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

Please elaborate on how your own rights will be jeopardized if those (who you admit have been discriminated against) receive access to the basic human rights they have been fighting for.

On PM: It’s time to vote YES

Posted 6 June 2016, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal