Comment history

Canon says...

BigDuffus your obviously a Treasure Sands rep. You'll attempted to illegally dredged that area in 2011 and was stopped by the BNT and Port Dept, the sitting PM had nothing to do with it. Now you'll are at it again with the help of the sitting MP. Treasure Sands have no regard for Bahamian Law and should not be allowed to invest any further in this country.

On Abaco lodge 'was standing site of loyalists'

Posted 1 December 2013, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Canon says...

For the record, that creek was never legally dredged, what was wrong yesterday is wrong today. The Treasure Sands company dredged that area in 2011 illegally and was stopped by the Port Dept and BNT then. The sitting PM had nothing to do with it then and obviously this current PM has nothing to do with it again. Treasure Sands just do not regard our Bahamian law obviously.

On Abaco anger over fishing lodge work

Posted 1 December 2013, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Canon says...

The Bahamas is not a third world country and the locals here are not against development, but we are against the raping/destruction of the environment and disregard for our laws by anybody, no matter the amount the bring in the name of investment.

On Lawsuit mulled over North Abaco dredging

Posted 1 December 2013, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Canon says...

Mr. Blakely tells many stories! In this article he says that his dredging is completed and then goes onto so say he's waiting on approval to start again to complete. Which is it? A blind man can also see that his dredging (which was done illegally) goes down over ten feet (not the three he suggest) and I don't know of any bonefish boat needing that kind of dept or canals that wide. its a marina! Plain and simple.

On Treasure Cay project 'desperately needed'

Posted 1 December 2013, 9:13 p.m. Suggest removal