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Canucksailor says...

Sure, let's make certain the state protects these rights - because it's easier for organizations like Amnesty to make deals with politicians that ignore the wishes of the people who make up the state.
Democracy isn't what these people, who feel they are much smarter than you are, want at all and a referendum helps keep the politicians honest. If the cause they espouse is just, let all these organizations make their pitch - and if they convince enough citizens, then it will come to pass as the will of the people...not that of organizations with agendas.
Congratulations Bahamas - you've just shown yourself to be more of a democracy than my own country, Canada. You're listening to the will of the people.
Now - a word of warning - once you enshrine equality, it's a very short step to saying that forbidding gay rights and the right to marriage for gays are discriminatory because then, gays aren't being treated equally. Hold the line, or I promise you, you'll find these issues at your doorstep, as we did in Canada in the 90s - and brought to us in almost exactly this same way.

Canucksailor says...

No dredging required? Gee, then why could I not get out of Little Harbour at low tide, with a five foot draft vessel just two weeks ago.
More lies from developers - for this to be a viable facility, dredging is going to be required. But first, a few lies, a few dollars spread about, then deal with the dredging to ensure the facilities viability once built.
Remember the Jodi Mitchell song - "They paved Paradise, and put up a parking lot" - in this case, a big one.

On Abaco Club pledges no project dredging

Posted 9 June 2016, 10:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Canucksailor says...

We had this issue in Canada some years ago - our Prime Minister and Minister of Justice said, at the time, that marriage was between a man and a woman solely.
Well, the politicians lied to us - just as yours are likely lying to you now. A politician's promise has as much value as your footsteps in the sand at low tide - it won't matter in a few hours.
When you vote, keep that fact in mind - there IS an agenda, you ARE being lied to. Just look at countries like mine where transgender people can go into the washroom they wish. That wasn't on any ballot 15 - 20 years ago, but it's the law in Ontario now.
Don't let these people fool you too. It's one thing to treat gay people as humans - it's another to give them rights that ignore common sense, human decency and morality, and for those who believe, God's Word.

On PM: It’s time to vote YES

Posted 7 June 2016, 6:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Canucksailor says...

Unfortunately, I missed Baybreeze's remarks when they were first posted or I would have replied then. My point was not to be pompous, but to note to Carey that when he makes public remarks, he gets public criticism from people such as myself with a broad audience - and that's not very smart of him. I know of several other boating journalists who took Carey to task over his remarks, not just myself. This entire issue was well discussed in cruising circles.
Now, Baybreeze - you take me to task about many things, such as grey and black water discharge. Perhaps you might recall that there are almost no pumpouts in the Bahamas. Discharge is a fact of life here, as you must know, and criticizing cruiser for it when there is no alternative is running close on the line that Carey treads.
In another post here, you discuss the people who illegally enter the Bahamas in Bimini for example, or Cay Sal. Well, in Bimini, enforcement should be quite simple, since the marinas are almost all in the harbour. Just post a police boat at the entrance and do checks for papers. Problem solved. Revenue increases as a bonus. I can't imagine why you don't simply do this - or is Resort World concerned that you would drive away business with this tactic?
I would suggest however, that your problem here isn't with cruisers, but rather the small boats that race over from Miami and Fort Lauderdale for a day or two of fishing or gambling.
As for your concern that I slander an entire nation, when someone such as Carey decides to use his position to speak for the whole nation, then you gets what you gets, and that's the backlash you see on this page.
I am greatly heartened by the fact that a number of these comments are from Bahamians who were upset by Carey's remarks - it shows that he is, indeed, a very tiny minority of one.
Oh, fyi, I am writing this from Bimini, where I'm resting up on my way to the Berries, Exumas and further down through the Bahamas. I chose to do this because of the attitudes of other Bahamians shown here, and the fact of Carey's apology.
I'll look forward to that beer if, as you say, our paths should cross.

Canucksailor says...

Seems many Bahamians, such as embezzle above, have no idea of how much money cruisers spend in your islands.
Perhaps, if this is your attitude and we all stayed away for a season, you might choose to respect us - or at least our wallets - a little more.
Mr. Carey, you need to resign if this is the attitude you bring out in your fellow Bahamians.

Canucksailor says...

I see Mr. Carey still has not learned his lesson. If you have issues in places like Bimini, with people failing to clear in - like the small boats out of Lauderdale and Miami - bring in more enforcement and put it right ON the docks. In my many times there, I have never seen a single Customs official outside of the building proper.
Easy problem to solve. Go after the scofflaws - leave the rest of us alone.

On Anchorage levies cover just 30% of park costs

Posted 30 October 2014, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Canucksailor says...

I trust that Mr. Carey will be removed from any position that involves him with your tourism sector, since his views on boaters and boating are now quite evident.

Canucksailor says...

Mr. Carey - google my name, Wally Moran, along with the word sailing. Now, tell me you want me discussing your willingness to drive cruisers away from your islands with more fees. Tell me you want me discussing your dismissive attitude towards tourists who travel on boats.
Do you have any idea how large my personal audience is, and just in North America?
Your islands survive on tourism. Your attitude is to drive us away. Is that an intelligent way to help your country? I think not.
My personal plans for this coming winter were to sail through the Bahamas on my way to Cuba, spending a considerable amount of time, and money, while there. I also planned on producing a video extolling the beauties of cruising in the Bahamas, something to promote your country.
YOUR attitude, Sir, means that I will go directly to Cuba, and leave you with nothing. Is that what you want? Just how stupid do you think we cruisers are? If you don't want us, we'll gladly go elsewhere, and to hell with you.
This is not what I want. I happen to love your islands, I'll miss going there, but if your attitude prevails, there are other places I can go - and WILL go.
Perhaps you have forgotten, boats are mobile. We can go where we are welcomed. You need to rethink your attitude, before we rethink it for you.

On Trust chief: Anchorage fees must be nationwide

Posted 26 October 2014, 11:36 p.m. Suggest removal