Comment history

CaptainCoon says...

The monkeys are tripping over their own banana peels!
Can't keep. straight story to save their lives. This really is "the queerest administration in Bahamian History"!


CaptainCoon says...

Well good thing for the people of Freeport is that they have the port authority to look after them since they hate the government so much.

CaptainCoon says...

We need to keep those savages and human animals in jail. No way should someone be facing 5 murder charges be released on bail and arrested for committing another murder!


Jail em and execute them!

CaptainCoon says...

If they did that then they wouldn't be able to scam you with the premiums.

CaptainCoon says...

This country needs to arm its law abiding citizens! Too many times these illegal gun toting savage primates roam the streets killing and stealing as they please. This must END!

Bring back the death penalty! If we can't keep them in jail them we get rid of them!


On Three men shot, two are dead

Posted 14 December 2023, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

The Baboons are back at it again!!!
The FNM is always a complete disgrace in opposition.


CaptainCoon says...

I don't trust anything from those dark lips!

We always end up paying more for little if any value!

CaptainCoon says...


CaptainCoon says...

Chester Cooper is a clown. what can the former garbage Christie administration show?
The PLP and FNM are baboons in running this country... but the PLP is a special brand of stupid

On PLP slams 2020/21 Budget

Posted 28 May 2020, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

food stores are the least of this country's woes. Economically the Bahamas is about to go under.