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CaptainCoon says...

Christie said the same thing and went through the same motions during his administration. The orangutans, baboons and knuckle dragging gorillas are at it again! As Trump says, these politicians are all talk. SAD!

On Disclosure files will go to AG

Posted 22 August 2018, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

what do you expect when Baboons run the country.

CaptainCoon says...

I see that the baboons are at it again. SAD!

CaptainCoon says...

Bring back the Death Penalty.
Bring Back our Police!

CaptainCoon says...

Christie is why you don't give a crazed crying PLP a break and give them a job leading the country. I guess it didn't work out. Good work to Bahamians for quickly firing him like a dog!

CaptainCoon says...

This is without question the worst ever decision this government will make. I'd prefer they go the communist route and nationalize it, but make no mistake, this country will pay dearly in the long term for this hotel. SAD!

CaptainCoon says...

the Public service commission doesn't recognize most of those certifications, mostly because we're stuck in the 1870's.

On Students: Just 1 in 7 chance of finance

Posted 15 August 2018, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

Minnis and KP Turnquest lambasted the PLP and Perrynomics for increasing taxes and ramping up spending to outpace the revenue generation. Now these merry band of baboons have come and done the exact same thing. Even worse now they plan on borrowing for this hotel. Baboons I say! SAD!

On Moody’s still has the blues

Posted 15 August 2018, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

CaptainCoon says...

Once again, Baboons running the country for years. Ever since the UBP lost, the jungle took over. SAD!

CaptainCoon says...

Nationalize the port and re-privatize it.
Take back this country and save Freeport. But if the government of the Bahamas runs anything it will fai!. These baboons can't be trusted to even run a post office! SAD!