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CarreiL says...

What disqualifies him is that he has been convicted and working in school? We don't know the circumstances around how he killed his girlfriend and why ( there is never a reason to take someone else life.), whose to say he won't get angry or loss his temper again? For example if a young man was convicted of having a joint he will not be able to get a job, that would follow him everywhere, but someone who commits murder is not scorned on? His actions should follow him, how does the young lady family feel, someone took your love one, and now there just living enjoying there lives, whose to say that a family member of the lady is not attending that school..and there is a big difference from the man being a teacher to being the head of a school and in charge others.

CarreiL says...

Way to go,congratulations, Its nice to see married couples engaging is good positive physical activity.

On Husband and wife win Marathon Bahamas

Posted 20 January 2014, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

CarreiL says...


On Police officers taken off 12-hour shifts

Posted 13 November 2013, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal