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Cas0072 says...

We know that there is no comparison for the ease with which we can put everything aside to cheer on our favorite team or athletes. It is really naive to think we could get the same level of unilateral support for issues with real world implications that will impact different people in different ways. Sports is also a controlled outlet for experiencing a range of emotions and a harmless escape from reality.

I think you would agree that it is better to trash talk about sports than drinking or wasting energy on who has the sweetest fruits. And on that note: growing up, my adult Jamaican neighbors would tell us Bahamian kids constantly, item by item, how everything was better in JA. One day, and I kid you not, one even told us that even the fruits in JA were sweeter. Even the Caribbean teachers in the classroom were disparaging and condescending, with a few exceptions. So I wonder today who really (not really) started and facilitated the petty nonsense that you see on your timeline.

Cas0072 says...

It says much that Donald Trump is running neck and neck with and will likely lose to a corpse.

Cas0072 says...

MSM? Mainstream media? Again his attitude toward COVID is well documented in his own words and deeds. He just taunted Joe Biden about wearing a mask in the debate. His family peeled off their masks once they were seated and refused one offered by a Dr. at the Cleveland Clinic where the debate took place. And this was on video as are many of Trumps statements that are used to expose his contradictions and outright lies. Fox strokes his ego like the masses in the emperor with no clothes and CNN exposes his nakedness at every chance. If you want so called balance watch both.

Cas0072 says...

I think it is beyond your comprehension. Is that attempt at humor not based on what you believe to be a real problem? If illegal immigrant sympathizers were half are as concerned about their fellow Bahamians as you are about Haitians, just maybe there would be enough goodwill and resources to go around.

Cas0072 says...

Billionaire? That is questionable. Corpse? So says Donald Trump’s camp. If true, only a despicable person would mock the mental and physical decline of another person. So much so that it features prominently in his campaign. Meanwhile, he hides his own medical records even now and has public mental lapses himself. Projection much?

Cas0072 says...

True, but still no one puts words in his mouth. Read the many books that are being written about him from people defecting from his camp and his own family. It lines up with the CNN coverage.

Cas0072 says...

Your favorite target maybe because there are many legitimate concerns with illegal migration, but bury your head in the sand about a real issue. That shows you have more in common with Trump than you think. If you are so different, show ‘em them way. Show us how a country that can’t provide for its own can play the hero for Haitians. That would be akin to the feeding the five thousand miracle. The faux Christians will convert for real if you can pull that off.

Cas0072 says...

The pretend Christians as you call them are mostly Old Testament thumpers and believe you reap what you sow. No one is obligated to forget his character and his deeds because he is sick, especially the people that feel they have been harmed by him. The worst part of Bahamas’ faux Christian culture is the hypocrite tendency to laud everyone as as saints when they die or take ill.

Cas0072 says...

Watch Fox News so that they can explain what Trump really meant by his every vile and ignorant comment? CNN does not put words in his mouth. It speaks to his character that so many believe that his illness is a scam. He is a grown man and many people will receive news of his illness with the same callous disregard that he has shown for others.

Cas0072 says...

This is such a ridiculous waste of effort and a trivial accomplishment if achieved. It is just a statue and Columbus’ name, good or bad, will forever be tied to The Bahamas. Why not just update the history books and use this copy cat energy to petition for better policing or something that is actually useful.

On ‘Time to bin Columbus memorial’

Posted 10 June 2020, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal