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Castaway says...

Covid-19 is the enemy here and it is within our borders. Yes, mistakes have been made, but if we are going to fight this invisible force, then we need to come together as a nation and stop politicizing everything. This is not about politics, this is about a virus that could destroy our country and our way of life, if we let it. And, guess what? We are doing just that. Citizens, government officials, opposition leaders, ministers and preachers, we need to work together, we need to support each other and we need to stop criticizing because until we have a vaccine, we are all going to have to live alongside this enemy. That means follow the protocol. wear your mask properly (not below your nose and below your chin), wash your hands, social distance and stop gathering in groups! And those who have, put your differences aside and start helping those who are struggling. When we can get Covid-19 contained and under control, then our economy can recover, but we can not depend on the government to do this by themselves. We all need to do or part and the sooner we start, the sooner we will be able to return to some sort of normalcy.

Castaway says...

I agree that if we are going to allow visitors into our country, then everyone needs to have a negative Covid -19 test. They also need to have their temperatures taken upon arrival and everyone needs to be required to wear a mask. People in the United States are refusing to wear mask. People in many Asian countries are required to wear mask. Look at the numbers. mask help stop the spread of covid-19. The government must require everyone to wear mask. This is not rocket science.

Castaway says...

Are you serious. Persons that are tested positive for Covid-19 are allowed to quarantine at home. And, the government has allowed two Americans to come into the Bahamas and quarantine at their home for 14 days. Those of us who are stranded abroad, they want to bring in on a charter flight or ferry and put us in a quarantine facility, locked down and guarded by the defense force. No way! I am sorry, but this is not right.

Castaway says...

I agree with this. Why are Bahamians that are known to have been in contact with a covid-19 patient be allowed to quarantine at home and those of us that are stranded abroad have to go into a mandatory quarantine facility in New Providence, guarded by the defense force. I am not from New Providence.

I am one of those Bahamians that is stranded in the United States. I have been in isolation for six weeks. All my grocery shopping is done online and the only individual that I have been in contact with during this time is my fiance. We cook all of our on meals and we have had no exposure to anyone else. There is no way that I am going to put myself at risk, getting on a charter flight with 200 individuals and then be put in a mandatory facility to be guarded by and have my meals prepared by strangers. How do I know that those individuals have not had contact with someone with Covid-19? This is absurd.

Bahamians should be allowed to return to their homes. We should be tested before we leave the United States and upon our arrival in the Bahamas. Once we have arrived in the Bahamas, we should be allowed to quarantine in our homes. Track us using an App and have the police or health officials check in with us on a daily basis, but do not treat us like we are criminals while others who are of known risk be allowed to have the freedom of being in their homes.

Castaway says...

I agree with this. Why are Bahamians that are known to have been in contact with a covid-19 patient be allowed to quarantine at home and those of us that are stranded abroad have to go into a mandatory quarantine facility in New Providence, guarded by the defense force. I am not from New Providence.

I am one of those Bahamians that is stranded in the United States. I have been in isolation for six weeks. All my grocery shopping is done online and the only individual that I have been in contact with during this time is my fiance. We cook all of our on meals and we have had no exposure to anyone else. There is no way that I am going to put myself at risk, getting on a charter flight with 200 individuals and then be put in a mandatory facility to be guarded by and have my meals prepared by strangers. How do I know that those individuals have not had contact with someone with Covid-19? This is absurd.

Bahamians should be allowed to return to their homes. We should be tested before we leave the United States and upon our arrival in the Bahamas. Once we have arrived in the Bahamas, we should be allowed to quarantine in our homes. Track us using an App and have the police or health officials check in with us on a daily basis, but do not treat us like we are criminals while others who are of known risk be allowed to have the freedom of being in their homes.

Castaway says...

The Coronavirus is not the only thing that we need to be concerned about for our tourist industry. The world is reeling from an economic fallout and is in a recession. People have lost jobs (22 million Americans ), are in debt and have no money. Survival is their number one priory. Vacations to the islands or anywhere else will not be in people’s budget in the near future. The world’s economy may take years to recover from this pandemic.