Comment history

Cc says...

Has day one passed yet? Just askin, cus it keep changin.

On DNA: Quit stalling and get on with it

Posted 18 June 2012, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Tal and other pLP's are just ticked off that the FNm and everyone else will be watching every step this new government takes. Did anyone else notice that the Wendy's drive thru shooting wasn't aired on ZNS? Had to see it on Cable 12 along with a copule of other violent crime news. They are trying to brush some stuff under the rug so people can think that crime is lessening. They do not understand that not everyone is as ill informed as their base. Yes, Perry and his band of merry men are irritated beyond belief. That's a good thing. As HI kept saying - what's good for Bahamians is bad for the PLP.

On FNM names shadow cabinet

Posted 18 June 2012, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Tearing down derelict buildings is a good start. We have to start with the small things first. I am a proud FNM and will always be FNM, but kudos to the PLP to at least starting something. Who knows? If they continue on this wavelength, we may actually start to see some positive change in these communities. We have to crawl before we walk. We have to at least start somewhere.

Cc says...

Ha! trust me, sometimes we bring in foreigners jus cus we think "foreign is right". At my workplace, we have a foreigner on a 2-year contract, making $7000 per month who , after 1 year, still does not understand the internal processes and procedures within the company. This person is constantly apologising for "doing this wrong, and doing that wrong". The competent, black, Bahamian management team daily scratch their heads in wonder, as this person brings nothing to table and has in fact hindered the development in the company, while these Bahamian black managers have to clean up this person's messes on a regular basis. The only reason this person was brought in was because the CEO does not "beleive in Bahmians", does not want to pay these Bahmaians what he knows they deserve, and because he believes that "white is right". Full stop. Hard truth. Let's just suck it up, shall we?

Cc says...

THIS from a man who hardly ever has running water or electricity services in his home. BOL!

Cc says...

Dang! And it hasn't even been a month yet. Guess they wre counting on that slush fund money to settle teir promises to those drug boys. Now they've learned that the FNm has used it up and they so scared they had to run out and get weapons. Mudda sik!

Cc says...

Keith Bell has been accusing and alleging and claiming and lambasting this that and erryting else against the FNM since May 8. Ok., Keith. We get it. The FNM did everything wrong. We get it. Now that you are the governing party, could you please just start doing everything right so that we can all live in a safe, crime free Bahamas. And get it done in 100 days, please. Next!

On FNM accused over deaths of witnesses

Posted 5 June 2012, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says... do know that you don't HAVE to read the editorials if you don't want to, right? That's the kind of "freedom" everyone is talking about.

Cc says...

I agree wholeheartedly with everything the editor writes in this piece.

Cc says...

Hubrt, Hubert, Hubert, Hubert, hubert.... Delores don't call that man's name as much as you.

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 28 May 2012, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal