Comment history

Cc says...

I've since concluded that Perry is not worthy of Tal's attention.

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 28 May 2012, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

And don't forget those people who think that if you were born on Feb 29, you have to celebrate your b-day every 4 years. Grown azz men walkin roun with gray hair, talkin bout dey only 10 years old. smt.

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 28 May 2012, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

We get it. Everyone so used to Papa "doing", they can't understand why he is now "talking" so much. Here's a thought- If you don't want hear him, turn off your dam TV.

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 28 May 2012, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Mudda sik, Tal. Can you go just 1 single day without that man's name in your mouth? You idolise him more than anyone I know.

On Governor General's throne 'stolen'

Posted 28 May 2012, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

They lambasted him ad nauseum when he was in power. He is now out of power and they are still talking about him all over the airwaves, internet and written media. They just can't stop giving this man attention because they ALL know - both PLPs and FNMs- that Hubert Alexander Ingraham is forever and still simply the best!

On Ingraham - simply the best

Posted 24 May 2012, 5:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Bradley Roberts all about broadcastin this figure, then Brave secondin him, then Perry say he don't know what it is, then Halkitis say he dont know yet either. Smt. Already a bunch of shuffling and jiving with too much people addressing the media, and no one in charge. Same ole PLP.

Cc says...

So ironic. He spent so much time on Wendell's talk show campaignin to take Hubert out. Hubert was taken from Parliament, but is alive and well enough to enjoy his family and his fishin. Al was taken out of this world completely. How ironic life can be sometimes.

On Former BEC, BOB Chairman Al Jarrett dies

Posted 22 May 2012, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Hubert Alexander Ingraham- simply the best!

Cc says...

Brad and the PLP know the stunts they pulled to win that election, that is why they cannot sleep peacefully at night and enjoy their win. They seem angrier now, more so than when they were in opposition. Greg Moss was on Darold the other day, and even Darold had to remind him that the campaign was over and that they needed to move forward. The PLP are not at peace. A man's conscience is a serious thing.

Cc says...

Fa real. Further, if I stressin trying to keep my mortgage afloat, I think I deserve just as much assistance as those who ain been checkin at all. ai foresee every mortgage holder marchin on Bay, demandin Perry dem to pay up or shut up. What they do for one, they ga have to do fa all. This isn't 2002-2007. Bahamians are tuned in like never before. Perry, you will not get away with talking and talking about this mortgage thing until your term comes to a merciful end. You will be expected to do something. Ya might as well come clean and confess that you only told the yellow t-shirt -wearing people that foolishness ta get their votes. 'Fess up. The sooner the better.