Comment history

ChaosObserver says...

This company is bringing 1000's jobs to Bahamas. And yet people are not satisfied....what if they decided to not put up with the crap the Bahamian government/people throw up at them? Then what? Who'd be crying then huh? Grow up and get with the 20th century people....grow some balls and get with the program, there is ALWAYS someone willing to do better work, perform better than those that get in the unemployment line if you want....your call...

On Baha Mar to give NIB details over job cuts

Posted 28 November 2014, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

too bad you guys don't have the facts in all these lay off suckers! These 190 people were given notice over a year ago that their job performance better improve to meet the higher standards that Baha Mar was demanding...but as usual, the Bahamian worker didn't/couldn't step up to the demands...the new younger blood is taking over where the older "do nothing" generation is failing. LDI graduates while not the cause of the layoff will dutifully step in and perform at levels employers want/need. And when will Bahamians stop bad mouthing their own people? IF this guy was white, you'd be saying "oh joe is ruining our country...yada yada" and if it's a bahamian guy you say He'e some uncle tom.....nothing pleases/is acceptable with bahamians...want it both ways....and end up with nothing....grow up and grow some balls!

On Baha Mar to give NIB details over job cuts

Posted 28 November 2014, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

And anyone thought that it would be different? really! Remember your dealing with Bahamian government (regardless of party). Lack of direction. Short sighted. Inability or willingness to stick to the hard path, corrupt, self serving.....the list goes on and on....

ChaosObserver says...

Almost EVERY study done in gender equality (regardless if its in the work place or politics) sticks it to the bahamian population for inequality. Short sighted, bigoted mindsets such as your are part of the reason....deny what is undeniable and fact....guess you think the same thing on crime too?

ChaosObserver says...

she lost because she's a poor example of any type of leader....balls or not...

On 'Loretta may have won if she was a man'

Posted 25 November 2014, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

"come to your senses..." not the best way to start negotiations union representatives....puts them on defense....some of the most stupid people I know are union officials.....and yet they supposedly "represent" the people.....thieves and jokers....

On Union urges Morton: 'Come to your senses'

Posted 24 November 2014, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

"a deal is a deal"....unknown in this country.....All unions and their people should just fade away, they aren't needed any more!

ChaosObserver says...

Too bad the "news papers" were not so diehard "party loyal" instead of reporting the news with neutrality, fairness, less sensationalism, correctly, and grammatically correctness and had journalist that were not just "agenda pushers" or "talking mouths"...but then I'm probably living in a make believe world....

On Negative letters

Posted 22 November 2014, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

ChaosObserver says...

Hopefully they didn't "learn everything" he did, or they too will be failures in retail....

ChaosObserver says...

You bring up a point i've been making for years....union dues only go to supporting those in power and to help them remain in power.....unions ruin the work environment as well as competition....Unions, leave this country!