Comment history

ChaseThisLIght says...

What on earth makes you think Moore's Island is a 'Haitian enclave'? I live in Abaco and it's far from that. It's very much a PLP town, but I don't think there are ANY Haitians living there. I've certainly never seen any. They have been loyal PLP supporters for decades, but they never get anything back for their support. Had the FNM won, they probably wouldn't have gotten their track, but I doubt they'll get it under the PLP. They might get their morgue, probably right before the next election, but what does it say about the PLP that all they can promise their loyal supporters is someplace for them after they are dead - nothing to help keep the young people there.

ChaseThisLIght says...

Comrades? Are you the last remaining member of the Vanguard Party?

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ChaseThisLIght says...

I'm going to vote 'no' on every referendum the PLP has just for spite. This issue came up before when the FNM was in power and the PLP urged everybody to vote 'no' just because they saw political advantage to themselves for it. And all but 3 constituencies in the country voted it down, too. So they blew it for themselves - plenty of women voted no when it would have been to their advantage to vote yes.
So I'm voting 'no' - I don't even care if I agree with it (and I probably will) I'm voting no anyway.