Comment history

ChefSmith says...

I ate times question the mental state of some of these bloggers. This administration has done a lot to stop the flow of illegal migration.

ChefSmith says...

This is what you can consider as patriotic. Both former and present Prime Minister in agreement

On PM praises Ingraham for letter to China

Posted 14 July 2015, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

While Greg Moss may be still angered by the NHI situation , he is still apart of the party that believed in Bahamians. Where there are distance between the long standing bearers of the PLP and the new ones, more can be done with regards to bridging the gaps. The implications will have damaging effect with regards to whom the party is seeking to attract in its 2017 fold . This can have similar effect as Branville McCartney had on the FNM party leading up to the 2012 election. While the DNA didn't materialized to a seat in Parliament , it sure spoil the opportunities for quite a few. Just remember in recent year the party would have lost Rigby as chairman , there is still the challenge with Wells and Rollins. Leslie in no uncertain term are expressing some fatigue. There seem to be a need for some unity. Will the PLP win the next general election ? Answer is yes , but the margins will be very close. My predictions is 22 to 17 , plus 1 DNA

On MP cites poor leadership as the reason

Posted 8 June 2015, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

Well Dilly Tree and both have strong talking points. But we do know that some of these business have been using the options of putting staff on 3-4 days work week. Minimum wage is needs to improve like from yesterday. Some of these businesses have been boasting millions of dollars in profits , with little or no incentives for their glorified employees. If you look at some of these financial books you would see where more can be done interns of payout and benefits for the employees. This will be a right step in the Christie led government , shoeing that they care for the poor.

On Minimum wage rise recommended

Posted 8 June 2015, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

Let me ask these question of all the political parties ; instead of the greed for power , why arent they out in the communites trying to motivate and teach young people in some form of mentoring programs. Truth is politics is a fairy tale game that have been use to decieve the people , leave them in despair and anger. What we have on our hands is year of false hope that was created. Well the first approach to this , is when the PM comes out and say " am sorry for make this a political issue in 2012 , I was wrong " . Then we have to work in the corruption issues: more accountability. Let's not forget we have the church that keeps getting bigger and multiple in numbers. That's another form of exploitation ; as most of the pastors are their for a show. Who got the largest membership or who gets the best church or ride. Where are the parents in all this , sitting in the same setting as a child. Mothers often curse the father's as no good , then expecting then to get better. As a country we can do so much better , if we start to reach out in the areas needing attention.

ChefSmith says...

This one world order is other nonsense.

ChefSmith says...

Ask me the question..... is the police doing enough? The answer is no . Too often you and I would pass the police on the road flexing their muscle or seeking to intimidate someone for a traffic violation, while they are doing their job , the real crime is been committed by a group of boys sitting on the block down the road. They would have driven right by them on a daily routine. Now you tell me what are they congregating in that very same spot for everyday? Am sure we would have all heard the scenario , that were there is smoke , there might be a fire !! plus have ever had to dial a station or 919 for an incident lately? It is as if you are interupting a break period or a criminal . The police officer at the desk wants you to do their job for them , by giving them full details even if you are trying to prevent or alert others around as to what you are doing. Our police officers needs so much more training in the area of people to people skills. While they may protect the nation at large , they are falling in decay on the moral aspect of their personal duties

ChefSmith says...

Who is monitoring this blog. The use of peoples name can present some legal challenges.

ChefSmith says...

Their needs to be more open diolag on how precious life is! It is obvious that their are those amount us who has very little regards for what human lives is about. One is left to wonder how does it feel to endanger or take a life. What is the justification for robbing someone , then seek bail or wanting to be treated like a normal human being , with protection in prision , family bring you food so as to entertian the life style of a suit on PI or Cable beach. Lets do the maths ; crime is a mental problem. Therefore they need to first treat the illness with the proper medicine ; which will take us back to the up bring of kids , where as not just the parent , teacher or gaurdian is responsible , but and entire community. Its a fact that our youths needs attention and nurturing.......thats why they are trying to prove so much. Lets stop with the empty promises from politicians . We need to build a society creating the understanding with the youths that they are valued and an important part of the society. a positive life must be the topic on everyone lips , not just victims . All of us are responsible in some ways for the hatred with display toward our brothers . We sometimes speaks love and christianity when its convinent to us. Saturday / Sunday should not be the only day to remember that their is a creature, it should be everyday. Let us all start thanking God for what he has done and be more apprieciative of the fact that life is the most precious resource , and we must preserve it at any cost.

On Compass Point manager hurt in shooting

Posted 24 March 2015, 7:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

This is very sad. One can only imaging the grief of the family at this deverstating moment. I would have thought that a cesspit on a church premises is highly secure. Why is it not ? The church is not considered private property. It is a sanctuary , what a great place for kids to play . For the lack of green space and play ground here in the capital, the church ground show be more accommodating to the youths. Too often we find these large buildings without even parking space for its members. I do hope the pastor for this Church will bury this child free of cost as it is just as responsible to provide a safe heaven for kids a with the guardian.

On Six-year-old girl found dead

Posted 22 March 2015, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal