Comment history

ChefSmith says...

my light is usually off may seem like and over statement , but as anyone that live in Ridgeland Park west or is connected to that corridor

On BEC foresees no power disruptions this week

Posted 6 August 2014, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

thank you God , you spared us again!

On Bertha past the Bahamas, now a hurricane

Posted 3 August 2014, 10:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

Parent/Guardians have to be held more accountable for the up bringing of their children. We blame someone else even when our belly hurts. What about hanging your head in shame , knowing that you create a monster. A lot of these no good parents knows just what their kids are doing and seek ways to shield them in their wrong doings. Its a fact here in the Bahamas , that we only cry out when it hits home. Do you see how many girlfriends , sisters , cousins , mother ; even grandmother , waiting in the hot sun to visit these criminals at fox hill . Lets start sharing with the police , whatever we see happening outside of the norm in our communities. These guys are not hero`s , they are murders who seek to destroy . And the police have a duty to weed them out. Don`t go driving by in your fancy car , passing these guys hang under a tree , all day , everyday! Search them , be on them like white on rice and you will see how much gangs you break up. We are afraid to walk in our communities , because of these lunatics . And if the commissioner of police cant do the job ; replace him . Don`t just have him stay there collecting a pay check , while lives are been lost. Also hold parent accountable for crimes been committed by under age kids. Someone is responsible for them , some one has to feed them , shelter them , clothes them ; so why does that someone knows who they are , and what they are doing. Lets get real .....we are playing a deadly game !!!!!!!!!

On Three murders in bloody weekend

Posted 28 July 2014, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

It is no such a great idea to encourage Mr Fred Michell to spoil the relationship with the USA . On has to come to realize that there is so much at stake here , than to worry about some of these things that wont harm the honest , dignified group of people. One has to wonder why is a few of us so concern about what will be discovered as a result of some of these conversations. I know for sure , than as a result of the spy conversation , a few people will stop in there tracks to think...........maybe i should be doing this lol

On Mitchell under fire in spy row

Posted 9 July 2014, 12:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

It would seem that there is a lot of miss step on Mr Millers behalf. It is not usual for someone who is illegally connected , not to be in the hands of the police facing jail time . I guess he was only looking out for his family ..............its the norm around here these days !

ChefSmith says...

What with all the concerns ; if we pool our resources , and find meaningful way to help. Then the government will feel less powerful because we are not too dependent on them. If we get self independent , by forming groups or organizations to lobby our concerns , then we will be more effective. We must focus on honesty , reality , true and hard work , then their promises of a pie in the sky will become meaningless !

ChefSmith says...

Some of these comments needs to be deleted

On Moss slammed over V.A.T. blast

Posted 11 June 2014, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

Who monitor this post. The comment posted her are open for children to read.Ask yourself this question , do you want your kids reading what you see here .

ChefSmith says...

The tribune need to delete all disrespectful comments that is post here. I don't think this blog is serving the purpose they intended.

On FNM deputy may go for leadership

Posted 4 June 2014, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

It is so sad to see people spent there life savings to own a dream home, but yet they are given no form of protection from these type of environmentally problems. What year did Pinewood Gardens come about, and under which government? The government should reimburse the people of Pinewood and grant them crown land where possible !