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ChefSmith says...

I cant see the substance in this arguement from the lawyer representing the webshops . The whole case is beginning to sound like a doll game . I think the webshops would have been far better off if the had just simple put forth an arguement of biasness against the citizen of the Bahamas by the government !

ChefSmith says...

Avoid mackey street by kfc it is flooded . Try to be careful along the roads , some of the flooded roads are deeper than you see on the surface


Posted 21 May 2013, 11:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

This is a busy week end for our ploice officers

On Two dead after shooting and stabbing

Posted 20 May 2013, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

There has to be some serious focus on the social frame work of this country. The church spent far too much time been political , and not enough time doing what it ought to do ! We need more parents and family programes . Also we need less political games and more unity . The population of the country is very small , we ought to have more accountablity . When focus is more on positive achievement , will inspire greatness.

On Two dead after shooting and stabbing

Posted 20 May 2013, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

It is so sad to see how individual dont have appreciation for freedom or human life. parents need to teach their children how to think positive , so as to avoid ending up on this road.

ChefSmith says...

How is it when Batelco have a net work problem , they do a damage control and give something back some sort of compensation , no matter how small the amout is ! When can we see similiar from BEC . More over for all the money BEC makes why are we still having these problems . BEC is a cash cow........the money is not been invested back into the developement of the company . When you have too many Cheifs and no enough Indians thats what happen. Realisticly >>>>thats why Batelco have to be spending so much on upgrades , yet everyone point a finger. I tell you what if we want to see some competition , and better service , let Batelco stay with Lime .

On Residents angry over power cut

Posted 28 September 2012, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

Wow>>>>>>>>>> it is so unfortunate wonder they gets no help !

On Family angry with police after armed robbery

Posted 23 September 2012, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ChefSmith says...

This is not an unfamilar story .............its as if the police are waiting for people to die first then respond. I had a two situation last year , where i witness incidents and call the police , and it was as if i was a bother or calling someones household. in one case it was where i watch 3 boys broke into someones house , with my neigbhour acting as the look out . I was un able to speak up loud ...........which i indicated went i first started the conversation on the phone , due to the fact the a guy was standing right outside my window it was late in the night , and when the place is silent everyone can hear what you are saying if you are not careful. But what was even more disturbing was that when the police arrived 2 hour later , they didnt even come out the car , but shine a light on the building from inside the car then speed off . I then call the 911 number back , to ask what was that . They return 1 hour later and was asking me on the phone if i could come outside to speak to the police ...........i had to tell them that this most be some big joke or they trying to get me killed. The second incident was that i was driving along Minnie Street , off Wulf road where i say a guy running behind a guy with a hand gun. I tried to call the 911 number several times before success , then the operator ask me after half an hour if i was still in the area , and can i still see the guy. We need professionals to answer the phones , plus police ought to be in more focus areas , so as to minimize the responses time. Police officers are smart and know who are the trouble makers , but yet you often see them putting on a show sometimes , just to show the crowd who is in charge. If you are driving along the road on any given day throught certian corners of Nassau , you will say to yourself "how can the cops not see this , if i am seeing it " Get serious on these neighbour hood tugs , and hot spots , not just when some on is killed , but all the time.

On Family angry with police after armed robbery

Posted 22 September 2012, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal