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ChuckF says...

Welcome to Exuma; the island of crime. Mr Rolle will again assemble the crooked collective of despicable hoteliers that have abused and gamed the system to their own enormous gain at the expense of locals and investors. They have cleverly employed some of Nassaus most famously shady lawyers to take control of what is fast becoming the Bahamas favorite enclave of foreign white collar criminals. While he has them all together at this swanky resort, he should ask them about all the foreign investors with no titles. Is it just the Exuma way to leave such a large amount of people with no title indefinitely? He should inquire about all the stamp duties unpaid. Is it acceptable to never pay stamp duty if you are a developer? Is the Ministry of Finance incompetent? He should ask about the rampant coercion in the form of legal threats and private control of public works. The double selling of properties. The abuse of local employees. The continual breaching of contracts. The list goes on. The real truth is, the lack of law enforcement and clear incompetence of the government makes Exuma a prime location for extended criminal activity.

ChuckF says...

Here's what the crooked lawyers of the Bahamas do with their ill gotten gains. They parade their shiny clean cars in hopes you won't see the owners true selves... pure filth.

On Winners named for Antique Auto show

Posted 6 April 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

ChuckF says...

According to the Lockhart and Co. website, Elliott Lockhart is currently serving, and has since 1990 served, as Counsel and Prosecutor to the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Bahamas Bar. Mr Lockhart is beneficial owner of Hideaways, was lawyer to both the vendor and buyer in most Hideaways transactions, has refused to process numerous titles, and has, in concert with Mr Francis and his varied shell companies, set about seeking unwarranted fees through fraud and extortion. Mr Lockhart is to Hideaways what Mr Thompson is to Oceania. As such, expect 100% complete corruption and malfeasance. Mr Lockhart, Mr Francis, and their ilk, are truly the new Pirates of the Caribbean. The incompetence of the government and the total lack of law enforcement creates an atmosphere in Exuma that is perfect for the criminal element to flourish. The Bahamas wishes to be like a respected and reputable industrialized nation but they continue to enforce their laws like a filthy little third world island.

On Senior attorney guilty of 'gross misconduct'

Posted 24 January 2014, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ChuckF says...

It appears Mr Rolle seeks to bring together every major developer on the island. These "like minded leaders" have abused and gamed the system collectively to their own enormous gain, cleverly employing some of Nassaus most famously shady lawyers. While he has them in the room he should ask them about all the foreign investors with no titles. There are a lot of them. Is it just the Exuma way to leave such a large amount of people with no title indefinitely? He should inquire about all the stamp duties unpaid. Is it acceptable to never pay stamp duty if you are a developer? Is the local Ministry of Finance incompetent? He should ask about the rampant coercion in the form of legal threats and private control of public works. The double selling of properties. The abuse of local employees. The continual breaching of contracts. The list goes on. The real truth is, the lack of enforcement and clear incompetence of the local government on the island of Exuma makes it a prime location for criminal activity.

On Exuma Council eyes investment 'synergy'

Posted 16 January 2014, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

ChuckF says...

It appears Mr Rolle seeks to bring together every major developer on the island. These "like minded leaders" have abused and gamed the system collectively to their own enormous gain, cleverly employing some of Nassaus most famously shady lawyers. While he has them in the room he should ask them about all the foreign investors with no titles. There are a lot of them. Is it just the Exuma way to leave such a large amount of people with no title indefinitely? He should inquire about all the stamp duties unpaid. Is it acceptable to never pay stamp duty if you are a developer? Is the local Ministry of Finance incompetent? He should ask about the rampant coercion in the form of legal threats and private control of public works. The double selling of properties. The abuse of local employees. The continual breaching of contracts. The list goes on. The real truth is, the lack of enforcement and clear incompetence of the local government on the island of Exuma makes it a prime location for criminal activity.

On Exuma Chamber unveils island's Advisory Board

Posted 22 November 2013, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

ChuckF says...

Kudos to Mr Rolle and Mr Davis for trying to do something about the rampant and damaging investment issues in Exuma. But unfortunately, when all is said and done, massive fraud and coercion are not considered serious crimes in the Bahamas. They are just "civil matters" and tax evasion is just a bonus for being able to afford a high powered lawyer. Unless you are a Bahamian citizen, you should never EVER invest in this corrupt nation.

On Oceania: 'Major issues' resolved

Posted 14 May 2013, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ChuckF says...

Kudos to the Canadian officials for trying to do something about the rampant and damaging investment issues in Exuma. But I have a feeling they will soon learn that in the Bahamas massive fraud and coercion are not serious crimes but are just "civil matters" and that tax evasion is just a bonus for being able to afford a high powered lawyer. Unless you are a Bahamian citizen, you should never EVER invest in this corrupt nation.

ChuckF says...

Kudos to the Canadian officials for trying to do something about the rampant and damaging investment issues in Exuma. But I have a feeling they will soon learn that in the Bahamas massive fraud and coercion are not serious crimes but are just "civil matters" and that tax evasion is just a bonus for being able to afford a high powered lawyer. Unless you are a Bahamian citizen, you should never EVER invest in this corrupt nation.

On Talks open in exuma row

Posted 14 May 2013, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

ChuckF says...

Do it! Make one right now and invite every owner. That would be very helpful and much appreciated. I can guarantee that many more than just ONE owner would appreciate it.

ChuckF says...

I look forward to the day when the real truth is made public. Then maybe these factual posts will not be removed.