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Citizen says...

This is beyond jaw dropping. The last time I checked this was a democracy which translates to me that I have freedom of not only speech but also movement. If you ask me for my opinion and I give it to you when did it become wrong to state how I feel? We as Bahamians were given an opportunity to exercise our rights. We went to the polls made a decision and the majority ruled. How did we ever become ungrateful for having a choice. I find this editorial not only biased but also extremely hurtful. Regardless of what the FNM PLP or DNA has or hasn't done for one or more of us it is completely out of line to say that the entire nation is ungrateful because the FNM was voted out of office. Hubert Ingraham refused his seat by way of choice. He resigned by his own "choice". No one will forget what Mr. Ingraham has done neither the legacy he has left behind, but we have to also embrace the present. Right now isn't the time to point fingers, it's time to come together as a nation and do our part the best way we can to assist in improving our economy. The power of the people is more powerful than the people in power.

On Bahamas has lost a great leader

Posted 9 May 2012, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal