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CitizenForDecency says...

Regardless of the "motives" of Dr. Rollins, the reality is that the PLP has lost a great deal of public trust. They are viewed as a bunch of misfits who have set out (purposely) to deceived the public. Their shady actions are coming to light and being exposed by their own members. It is better late than never for Dr. Rollins or anyone to expose dirt. What is needed now is for there to be a means of making these deceivers pay a very high political price for there treachery and incompetence, as we (Bahamians) are paying a high price in VAT, Light Bills, Rating Agency downgrades, high crime and a collection of economic woes. They (the plp) will be voted out... but prior to this, they need to be completley exposed and held accountable.

P.S. in case they have not noticed, people are no longer fearing their victimization tactics and are willing to stand up tyranny!

On CitizenForDecency

Posted 4 September 2014, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

CitizenForDecency says...

Leslie Miller has again PROVED why Prime Minister Christie must fire him from all post! He is a disgrace! So many times I am ashamed to be a woman in this country. All MP's in the House should have rebuked him. Leslie Miller ( He is too low for me to address as Mr. Miller) displays the attitude and sentiment that is representative of the members of his party, that is why they found it amusing. We the women of this country will send Leslie Miller and his party a very strong message in the next general election. There will be a heavy price to pay for their disrespect toward Bahamian women and general lack of decency. We have not forgotten Mr. Rollins vulgar behavior toward a female MP and now the PLP is preparing to "Dismiss" the voice of the Bahamian people and move ahead with the Web Shop legalization. Rest assured, we will remember and will dismiss the PLP in the next election. They have proven (in a very short time that do not deserve our trust or respect). Make no mistake ... I am not an FNM I voted for them in the last election...never again.