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Club4021 says...

I am a vacation home owner and think this will be able to register my property and collect and pay VAT. I have been trying to do this for years. The process for this needs to be simple.
I have spent lots of time on numerous phone calls that never get answered or go to a dead-end number, emails that are not returned, confusing requirements and processes that I'm told in the 1-in-50 chance that someone at Inland Revenue picks up the phone - like that I have to sign up for NIB. Make this process simple and straight forward to get set up, report rents received, and pay the VAT that is collected. And then when that is rolling, the Government needs to be transparent about the money collected on each island and what it is used for - The infrastructure better improve, the roads, the water, the electricity, the bridges. The $30 million in VAT is a fraction to what will get collected if it is made easy.