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Colebrooke says...

Well if you look at things in the right perspective, we as Bahamains can travel to Britain without visa and we can live and school there and we are respected. Why break the boundries that Sir Lynden PIndling has made it able for us to travel through Europe without visa not much Bahamains really know these things. Yes our Ancestors were slaves and were persecuted but in the end of it all we have grown to be a powerful and intelligent Nation. Educate our Bahamains to take advantage of the opportunity they have to live abroad and expand there brains to new horizons the world is ours to live and be at peace.

Colebrooke says...

We all know it's impossible to employ every Bahamain, but we can Educate them making it able for them to migrate to countries that will employ them. With the Education and certificates they can travel abroad and work and lead a prosperous life. Wake up people educate yourselves this world just don't revolve around the Bahamas. If you look at how Sir Lynden PIndling pave they way for us, you should understand that he made opportunities accessible for all through out the world. Don't be distress give the Bahamaian people a free education that give them a high paid job in the future, many countries always needs educated people and the pay is better.

On Statistics are 'deeply troubling'

Posted 25 October 2013, 12:26 a.m. Suggest removal

Colebrooke says...…

Check out my app now in the app store for iphone, iPod and ipad created by a bahamain graphics design is very prosperous.Education is the key to success. Be encourage and continue to teach others.

On THE ART OF GRAPHIX: Master your graphic craft

Posted 25 October 2013, 12:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Colebrooke says...

This is so good. now we need to get the European nation.need any help with that link me.

On $13m campaign targeting 30k Asian visitors

Posted 23 October 2013, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Colebrooke says...

Our Bahamas laws needs to be decided, all of this putting off is nonsense murder is murder ain't no other why to put it. He break one of Gods commandments thou Shall Not Kill. What part of that these people don't understand, breaking the commandment is the same as breaking the law. Penalty is Death no questions asked.

Colebrooke says...

Horses are made to run wild and excercise daily eat healthy and also alot of water to drink, if they don't get the right treatment they die.the Bahamas sun is to hot for horses to be running around, they need shelter from the accommodating horses in our country and not profit from it is really not a good idea. What are the benefits of a pasture for the horses, who is going to provide food etc. The horse has to bring in an income just like the Bahamains do, taking on that responsibility is expensive. Maybe we can decide to agree on using the horses for a school curriculum, teaching our kids to ride horses as a sport.

Colebrooke says...

Blame blame its not making your country any cleaner, the time you take to call names and bring each other down,you'll need to clean the place your selves the garbage had to come from somewhere and who did the Bahamains,the tourist are not blaming the parties they are saying they Bahamains nasty

On A dirty and unkempt Nassau

Posted 21 October 2013, 1:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Colebrooke says...

Enough with the jokes! This is serious people our country strives from tourism, why can't you'll understand that. Ideas that can help develop jobs for the unemployed and the single parents. First of all the cruise lines have almost everything on board so that the tourist don't have to leave the ship. So my smart Bahamain people what should we do to get them to come and spend their money with us, online marketing is one way to advertise what we have and what we produce, knowing what the tourist really wants is the key to getting them to come on land and enjoy our culture. Secondly on the ships they have warning signs telling the tourist not to carry money or leave the dock they are in fear of their life, making them feel safe and assuring that is the only way to get them to come on land and have a good time.

On Pitch your tourism idea

Posted 21 October 2013, 12:18 a.m. Suggest removal