Comment history

Coleloquial says...

What the MEN had to say about 'the cheating bahamian husband - whose fault is it, really?'

1/ "Well written and 100% spot on! I wish every Bahamian man and woman would read it... unfortunately we are not an introspective people... we would rather complain than address."

2/ "As an optimist, I hope they take heed of the admonitions, but if history is prologue..."

3/ "Unfortunately, we do not really know one another before we pair up. Women, on approaching age 30, just want to pair up as opposed to becoming an 'old maid'."

4/ "In a broader sense, married people stop dating one another, and affection is left to a peck on the cheek on the way out of the front door."

5/ "The new 'conquest(s)' reassures [the men's] lost sense of self-worth."

6/ "Night creams and granny panties are not sexy; as are beer bellies and poor hygiene."

7/ "People have been programmed into what a marriage/ partnership should be. We are at the mercy of a very few who manipulate our thoughts, decisions, actions on this very issue."

8/ "We don't need therapists, counselors, etc.....we need to listen to ourselves. We must start with self. Understand who we are...cut off the TV and meditate more and talk with ourselves more."

9/ "Players will play. Eventually boredom sets in and eyes start drifting, and not just with men."

10/ "You cannot fool a woman when it comes to cheating. She might deny it to self and friends but down deep she knows what's goin on."

11/ "Men are simple. Feed us, **** us, be our friend. Women on the other hand... And then there is: the nagging, her girlfriends, her mamma...."

12/ "Until women understand a man's need to conquer, and the visual nature of same, this will be a prolonged argument."

Coleloquial says...

What the WOMEN had to say about 'the cheating bahamian husband - whose fault is it, really?'

1/ "Sooooo true ... I can only sigh. 'Been there, done that.'"

2/ "The Punch will call you."

3/ "I hope that many other readers like myself took your points into consideration and get serious about their current and future relationships."

4/ "Marriage is seen more as a 'right of passage' rather than finding and keeping a meaningful person in one's life."

5/ "Many young people within my age bracket [25-30] feel that if they don't find someone before they reach 30, then they can't prove to society that they are 'well adjusted/ grown adults'."

6/ "Just like many people aren't meant to be parents, many aren't meant to be married, or in relationships. They don't understand a fulfilling relationship is independent of marriage, and they end up married when they shouldn't be. And, then they lie to themselves and partners just to have someone, instead of just staying or being single."

7/ "As Bahamians, we certainly need to start looking from within and begin thinking about what type of people we want to be, by first dealing with any lingering insecurities that we may have with ourselves before we invite people into our lives."

Coleloquial says...

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for all of your feedback via the Tribune's website, the Coleloquial Facebook page and group, and via email!

Rather than replying in detail to all of your email messages about 'the cheating bahamian husband', i will post what I think are the most interesting quotes from readers' emails here on the Tribune's website and on/ in the public Facebook page/ group. I will also post a few of the email quotes to Twitter.

Given that the topic addresses women and men, I will post all the women's comments in one section, and all the men's in another, so you can compare them!

The most interesting thing about the email and Facebook responses to this topic??? Most were from men!

All men who responded constructively had some useful feedback for other readers... and for women, and this emphasizes my request for women to pay close attention to what their partners are saying/ feeling and how they're acting. They tend not to discuss it with you, if you're unapproachable, judgmental, or acting wounded or hysterical. They'll just take care of it on their own, or suffer in silence until the day they do take care of it by leaving the relationship, temporarily ('cheating') or permanently, whatever your status.

Stay tuned for the next post with readers' quotes!

Coleloquial says...

Hello ChaosObserver! Sounds as if you would like me to call names in the newspaper! And - how can you be certain what I do or don't do outside of the newspaper?? Something to think about... Best regards.

Coleloquial says...

Hi expat8090s! Thanks for your.... feedback?? I can't take credit for the choice, but wouldn't it be exceptionally helpful and perhaps more useful to address the subject of the article, if you take the time to comment? Would love to hear your thoughts on the actual issue in question. Kind regards.

Coleloquial says...

Hello ChaosObserver!
Sounds as if you would like me to call names in the newspaper!
And - how can you be certain what I do or don't do outside of the newspaper??
Something to think about...
Best regards.

Coleloquial says...

Hi expat8090s!
Thanks for your.... feedback??
I can't take credit for the choice, but wouldn't it be exceptionally helpful and perhaps more useful to address the subject of the article, if you take the time to comment? Would love to hear your thoughts on the actual issue in question. Kind regards.