Comment history

Collin says...

BA, I thank you for the great maturity, intelligence and your sage advice. Now elevating from the D average and your desire to lick something that you some how transfer to me. I have clearly articulated why you and the first person was wrong, prove me wrong without resorting to childish antics.

I am not in this forum as an advocate for the FNM, while I do support the party. However, you may be one of the PLP propagandist put here to troll and make asinine statements and commentary. When called out on it you like a spoiled child resort to the name calling I say good for you I know you enjoy it.

Spin away...

Collin says...

and by they

Collin says...

LOL, you got jokes. I have always been known to challenge any and everybody when necessary. So the second part of your point would not apply to me.

I thank you for your support. When I see you publicly next time I will tell you the

Collin says...

There is nothing dimwitted about what Dr. Minnis said. I will type it slowly so maybe you can understand. He indicated that he thought Hon. Miller's statements were inappropriate. Then he spoke to the issue of the frustration that our judicial system causes, which may have led to Hon. Miller's actions.

Still typing slowly, there is no contradiction in there...

Collin says...

If she does not possess a diploma of education and only certificate from Success she should not even be teaching in the Government system.

I am sure that the Government will not toy with the future of our little Bahamian Darlings. I just know that the information found in the article could not be true.

Please tell us Mr. Min. Of education and Mr. Rt. Hon. Prime Minister please tell me you will not trifle with the good people of Long Island like this.

This entire article must be a mistake.

Collin says...

Nationbuilder I am an FNM. However, I am able to reason and discuss issues without it being clouded by politics.

I will start with your last post first, you are absolutely wrong, I made no reference to the PLP approving a facility; that does not arise in this discussion.

To the previous statements, I see you are using selective argument and I understand why you are limiting your argument. I also hear you with your characterization with hypocrisy and earlier lies again I appreciate the spin.

Let me answer you this way, if Brave Davis or Obie Wilchecombe becomes the leader of the PLP. Do you believe that that the same matters would be approved? Do you suppose that there will be any divergence in their views? Keeping in mind how our governance structure is structured and operated. As an example, there is a thing called Cabinet Collectively Responsibility which means anything that is 'approved' or signed off by any minister is approved via Cabinet and the leader heads cabinet. If that is the case and some of you argue, whether true or not, that there was a one man band previously.

Now having said that, does it stand to reason that Dr. Minnis the leader will operate and think approve differently from some other person/leader?

Anyway, I will go and enjoy my holiday week end good day.

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Firstly, what is the untruth he has spoken? Has he denied that the facility was open? No. Let me ask a question since you all are speaking so emphatically is there a difference between what as an example being done at the University of Miami and what is being proposed for the Bahamas? If there is, what type of facility was approved previously in Freeport is it like the one at the University of Miami or what is being proposed by the PLP?

To me there is a level of intellectual dishonesty if we are saying stem cell research is the same thing as stem cell therapy.

Now I would love for one of you to honestly answer this.

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

August, you made a nonsensical argument. You said if he succeeded when provided he provided the approval. The fact that you used the word approval means that he succeeded. Now if your question was phrased differently, then maybe we could have a discussion.

Stapedius, it is the job of the opposition as far as possible to ensure that not only laws are passed but the necessary regulations and infrastructure is their to protect us all. Whether or not you personally care about that is immaterial, it is the function of governance and of the opposition.

Further, the Government not the opposition dictates what is the priority of the legislature or in governance generally not that of the opposition. If the opposition has nothing to say and not point to the weaknesses or concerns in any bill they would not be doing their job.

We have short comings in our health services but we do not have poor hospital services. It is being challenged, however, with the large amount of trauma cases that it has to face. There can always be more more resources off course and improvement in systems and we should all encourage or assist in anyway to have that happen.

We have an multi-island nation is is truly a major undertaking to duplicate systems in all the islands, it is cost prohibitive. I do agree that we must determine a way to better fund and improve health care on our Family Islands.

By they way, your argument cannot be that the Stem Cell Bill is causing nothing else to be considered or addressed. I certainly believe that is not the argument you are making as though all 20,000 plus of civil servants are doing nothing, but waiting for this bill to pass or due to this, the cabinet ministers and their ministries are doing nothing else.

That would be ludicrous assertion and while I may not know you I trust you are not loony

Finally, this matter is an important issue and is receiving the attention it deserves. This represents far more than some may wish to acknowledge and speaks to the very essence of governance.


On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

Good try PLP spin doctors for seeking to come on the Tribune's sight and spew your party's nonsense. The problem is it is not very effective in this medium especially when it is coming from these anonymous talking heads possibly the same persons.

Now having said, anyone can put legislation on paper. That does not mean that because something is written that we have the necessary regulatory infrastructure to properly monitor and protect the Bahamian people.

As for Dr. Minnis he has succeeded at everything he has done in and out of politics and is certainly voted to be the best or second best MP from 2007-2012. He is a visionary leader and no matter how many times you all PLP spin doctor seek to state what you state and hope it catches on.

Moreover, It will not diminish that this PLP is the worst government ever!

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Collin says...

If you do not understand, his position it is probably because you chose not too.

On Minnis seeks stem cell committee

Posted 2 August 2013, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal