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ColumbusPillow says...

As reported by the London Express Aug 25, Professor M. Woodhouse of the U of Edinburgh, the UK lockdown was a Monumental Mistake and must not happen again!
The action was taken in a moment of panic as a temporary measure that has done more harm to the population than can be attributed to COVID19.

ColumbusPillow says...

Sweden appears to have a plan that works....and no lockdowns!

ColumbusPillow says...

In the Bahamas, the odds of dying from COVID19 (complicated by heart disease, diabetes, etc, etc) is 1 in 28,000.
The odds of dying as a result of prolonged lockdown is much higher!

On EDITORIAL: We need to stay resolute

Posted 11 August 2020, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

14 deaths/393,000 population is a COVID19 death rate of 0.0036%. That is comforting. Even that rate is misleading because many of these deaths involved people with other problems other than COVID19. The covid19 only death rate is probably lower.

ColumbusPillow says...

I wonder if 100% of the population was tested that we may find that a very large percentage of the population has or HAS HAD the infection. Thus the rate of infection may be related to the rate of testing. Actually the weekly death rate is much more revealing about the severity of the pandemic.

ColumbusPillow says...

FACTS Swiss Policy, Jul20) death rate for COVID-19 is 0.1%. Median age of death is 80 years (Sweden is 86).

ColumbusPillow says...

I did not know there is so much hysteria in the Bahamas!

ColumbusPillow says...

Global death rate for COVID-19 is 0,005% of total population according to Deutsche Bank June 9, 2020.

ColumbusPillow says...

Are you taken the American election personally?

ColumbusPillow says...

I guess you have decided how you would like to vote.