Comment history

ColumbusPillow says...

What climate change?

ColumbusPillow says...

We are too dependent on tourism as a source of income.
Develope our natural resources. The steep rise in the cost of oil and natural gas is a chief cause of inflation This is motivation to continue the exploration for these resources. There is no alternative!

ColumbusPillow says...

Agree with K4C, global cooling is on its way!
The UN lost its credibility when it invited a 16 year old school drop-out .with obvious mental disorders to address the General Assembly on global warming..
The message from the Secretary General lacks credibility.

ColumbusPillow says...

The climate change hysteria must stop. It is causing too much mental health illness and affected our children's behavior. Climate activists are working for the Russians to boost oil prices. and they have really succeeded!

ColumbusPillow says...

Please stop this climate change hysteria, it only helps the Russians.

ColumbusPillow says...

Dear zemitou,
"Miniscule petroleum reserves below Bahamas territorial waters" is incorrect!. This geophysicist knows that there is scientific evidence that there are HUGE quantities of oil and gas at depth below Bahamas The development of this resource is probably the only way Bahamas can deal with its $12 billion national debt!

ColumbusPillow says...

Climate activists have only one goal; kill fossil fuel exploration and use. The Europeans were conned into supporting this objective. The Russians have the same goal because it increases the need and price of Russian oil & gas and increases the control on European countries.
Russia rules because of the activists!
Our PM has stopped oil& gas exploration on the Bahamas even though we have a $12 billion deficit. The result is an explosion in gas prices here and in the US. Are the activists for us or against us?

ColumbusPillow says...

All of this has happened because of Biden's rapture with the kill fossil fuels lobby resulting in the dominance of Russian oil & gas production.. When will Biden wake up?

ColumbusPillow says...

27 million Russians were murdered in an invasion by Germany in WW2.
That would justify sympathy for Russians who are surrounded by NATO alliance countries who are not friends of Russia. Both Ukraine and Georgia were repeatedly warned about the consequences of joining NATO.

ColumbusPillow says...

Meanwhile the PM has declared that oil and gas exploration is forbidden in the Bahamas. How will that help economic matters when the national debt exceeds $15 billion?

On EDITORIAL: Ukraine conflict will affect us all

Posted 26 February 2022, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal